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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 KTS的結果很有代表性嗎?(誠邀過來人分享.謝謝^^) ...
樓主: shiuchen

KTS的結果很有代表性嗎?(誠邀過來人分享.謝謝^^) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-16 19:41 |顯示全部帖子
Just like all the other mummy said, please do not mind the result. I know exactly how you felt especially when you thought your child was doing fine. I truely believe interview is a bias game and it really depends a bit on luck. Please review all the points that you think your child did not do well and improve it for the next interview. I think that is the positive way to look at the result. One single interview does not review how your child perform at all (in fact, I do not believe any interview result review any of the childrens' performance even for the very top famous school. Including the one said they can tell by just taking a look at the kid for 5 mins. (What a joke!) I reckon the interview game only review the child is outspoken and talkative especially they are so young. A lot of the acadamically top and smart people when they grow up are not outspoken in nature anyway.) My daughter was interviewed last year and KTS did not have 2nd interviewlast year. I did not feel their interview was serious as most of the students come out in around 15mins. I also remember the teacher did not allow my daughter to calculate by counting on fingers. I do not see why she can not calculate by counting finger as this was taught from her kinder. I did not get a seat in KTS but my daughter got in DGJS. My friend's daughter also did not get accepted but then she got in St. Paul co-ed. One of my friend's daughter did not get a seat anywhere, but KTS only. Well, she eventually got in good hope by knocking on door.
So just be ready for the next interview and do not mind too, too much on the result.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-17 18:23 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Gooddaddy,
I did not fail all interviews but only got accepted by DGJS.  All I was trying to say is you can not justify by how smart the child is by stating how many schools the child is accepted. I still believe the interview is a teacher's subjective judegement and it also depends on a bit of luck, eventhough my daughter was accepted by a number of so called good schools. I was trying to say my daughter was accepted by a number of good school, but sarcastically not accepted by KTS. This happens to all her schoolmates. On the other hand, the one rejected by almost all the schools she applied, but accepted by KTS.  I also can not see how they can tell my daughter is smart by the way they interviewed my daughter. (I meant all the school's interview, not only DGJS)
By the way, I have no connection or old girls or any how.

原帖由 Gooddaddy 於 09-10-17 14:52 發表
good for your. I would'nt mind faililng all interviews but got accepted by DGJS. you daughter must be very smart. you didn't have any connections with DGJS (ie old girls), did you?

[ 本帖最後由 oasismcmug 於 09-10-17 18:27 編輯 ]
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