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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 speak cantonese at home but study in IS
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speak cantonese at home but study in IS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-5 11:19 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Is you speak cantonese to your child and study in IS? I want to speak cantonese (my mother lang) to my son (21 months), cos I feel communicate with the child in mother lang much better and 親切窩心.  But I also want he can speak fluent English, I want to send him to Int'l Kinder, however many IS request the child fluent in English and native speaker, how can I do, please help and share your experience. Many thanks.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-5 12:20 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for your sharing!

My boy is late talk, he understand our meanings but speaks serval wordings only. So, I'm afraid he speaks late & late when I talk to him in both language.

原帖由 PurpleSea 於 09-2-5 11:23 發表
I speak both to my girl and I let her to watch Disney channel in English.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-5 18:43 |顯示全部帖子
我當然好贊成你講法, 所以我至post呢個題目! 我同husband 係土生土長香港仔, 就係受過香港填鴨教育, 即使大學畢業生都係不太流利港式英語! 所以想小朋友讀開放式既教育-IS. 但我又注重小朋友既中文程度, 但英語又想佢無港式ascent, 所以請教各位如何定位!

我既理想做法係, 家人同小朋友講cantonese, 學校學到native english, 但怕唔同佢講又考唔到IS同埋即使入讀IS 佢又唔適應聽唔明!

我心儀ESF KINDER, 要考小朋友咩? 聽講如果小朋友識中文入讀ESF機會會低?  請問你地小朋友係讀邊間KINDER 呢? 謝

原帖由 Mighty 於 09-2-5 14:27 發表
我自己就絶不賛成如父母2位都是土生土長的香港人、只同児女講英文。  有時在街上聴到2個香港父母用港式英文同児女講、発音同文法都錯漏百出、実在毛管也動起。 這對2種語言発展都不好。  如果要学港式英文、就不用 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-5 18:47 |顯示全部帖子
Which school is your daughter study? The class teacher said that you cannot a good English language??? Oh GOD!

原帖由 KaKaYa 於 09-2-5 16:31 發表
At parent day , the Class teacher told me my daughter learnt not many ....
From us , I always with her study reading books and to join any English course.
Why her teacher is said "you cannot a good  ...

[ 本帖最後由 nc2000 於 09-2-5 21:08 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-5 21:34 |顯示全部帖子
why? Your kid study in ESF Kinder?

原帖由 steamball 於 09-2-5 21:22 發表
seems this year, oversea passport holder don't have any advantages......
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