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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 開學十幾天,你地和囝囝囡囡都適應嗎,有無咩問題? ...
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開學十幾天,你地和囝囝囡囡都適應嗎,有無咩問題? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-9-14 11:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 開學十幾天,你地和囝囝囡囡都適應嗎,有無咩問題?

my girl is very happy abt the school, but having difficulties about playing with her little classmates... kids already call her names, and seems (at least this is how she feels) some are just enjoying picking on her.  She is so sad always when we talk about this.  Of course my girl has to be part of the problem as i know that she is kinda narrow-minded, like to complains... i am having a so call "discussion time" with her everyday, to try to find out how she really feels and hope to give her some support somehow.

but, i do think i am very lucky already, as at least she is already enjoying the study itself. (one less thing worry)
Alles gutes!
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