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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 請指教: 怎樣提升孩子中文的質數?
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請指教: 怎樣提升孩子中文的質數? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-5-15 10:46 |顯示全部帖子
Hi wisekid2007,

I also agree with u.  This really cannot help the children to improve any Chinese Language foundation, but can only handle the exams. they are facing for a short period of time.  Tricks are sometimes needed, but cannot all rely on them to face everyday's learning.

I suggest that maybe we can start with "Reading everyday" to help the children.  Any kinds of books are fine, only if the children are interested in reading them (of course, the violence and love affairs are prohibited).  Reading together with your children are quite helpful to them, coz this can build up a good habit for them; also, we can enjoy the 親子時間 together !!  BR, Cin      

原帖由 wisekid2007 於 09-5-15 09:59 發表
Are you just trying to promote or advertise your so called "朋友"  ( or simply just you and your so called "朋友" are the same person) 補習 services?

If it is your real underlying motive, I am afraid ...
A Happy Family of 4 >>>>Viann & Alex, 小龍女 & 馬猴仔
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