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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 今日申請 a famous Kinder (in Central) 等到好激氣, 似 ...
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今日申請 a famous Kinder (in Central) 等到好激氣, 似輪街症! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-27 22:32 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
今日我去申請a famous Kinder (in Central) , 實在好失望, 離晒譜,
但我整個感覺是: 效率奇低!
故意製造成家長要等好耐, 製造人龍!

申請學校姐, 搞到好似輪街症;

I wasted two hours standing in the open playground to queue to get a form and finish the application, which I think is absolutely unnecessary!
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Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-27 23:08 |顯示全部帖子
I first went there before noon , since the queue was so long, I left and went there again afterwards. But I still spent two hours to finish the whole process. What made me so angry was that the procedure was indeed nothing complicated, just to get a form, fill it and then hand it to the staff for a simple checking on the original birth cert. Then give u an interview schedule time card. That's it. U can actually finish the whole process within 15 min! I really wonder why the school had to arrange parents (I saw some pregnant moms standing for over an hour but still no chair for her and no assistance offered by the staff) queuing in the open playground for so long a time.

原文章由 ShatinMaMa 於 07-10-27 22:36 硐表
my friend went there in the morning and there was a long queue. Afternoon was much better.

Many schools have their application form online and some even allow you to apply by post.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-29 00:25 |顯示全部帖子
Wow, 5 min for the sister school? How come the Central Branch played us like this? I should have applied the other one, I suppose no big difference!!

原文章由 erikalo 於 07-10-27 23:59 硐表
唔好講風涼話, 我今日去了其分校交form, 情況真係有別啦... 我用了5mins 就完成了, 仲有校長親自係學校同我地交談學校方針, 小朋友既教學心德, 真係好到不得了.... 可能正校真係出名d 掛....

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