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教育王國 討論區 保良局蔡繼有學校 Siblings 在CKY和傳統學校的分别
樓主: fatgoat

Siblings 在CKY和傳統學校的分别 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-6-12 21:25 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:fatgoat 的帖子

我們便是這個case,仔在CKY讀Y6,女在傳統讀P3。我可以寫一份論文關於他們的學習情況!在CKY,劉校長不斷提醒我們,孩子要有愉快學習的童年;在女兒學校,校長在小一入學家長會上已來不及警告,"唔好唸住可以愉快學習,否則到五、六年級時你會好痛苦!"聽到都驚,也佩服她的坦白。還有,她也說每個人都有不同的"高矮肥瘦",不是每個人都可以讀倒這學校的。這跟CKY的信念:every child is good at something成很大對比!


女兒學校的測驗考試全部有model answer,大家考試時找past papers操練。連Reading科也有,老師甚至會要求她們把部分段落背誦,那麼考試時直接默出來就可以攞分了。CKY就比較少依賴model answer,很多時要求學生要有分析能力或表達自己意見,所以書寫能力一定要學好。


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發表於 13-6-14 00:19 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:train 的帖子


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發表於 13-6-14 00:21 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 fatgoat 於 13-06-13 發表
本帖最後由 fatgoat 於 13-6-13 11:33 編輯

SSChiu, Thank you very much for your valuable sharing of ...
Hi fatgoat, did not receive any PM from you...

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發表於 13-6-15 01:18 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 channgaki 於 13-06-13 發表

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發表於 13-6-15 01:28 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 sasa1202 於 13-06-14 發表
Thanks for the sharing.  I totally agree that all CKY did is theoretically sounded, but in reality,  ...
I think it is difficult and not fair to compare the "academic" of CKY and my daughter's school. The learning process and emphasis are very different. For example, CKY kids write a lot of journals, reports, creative writing since Yr 1 but my daughter just started to write short English paragraphs at P2. For Chinese, she just started writing longer pieces at P3. However, she has been learning a lot of grammar rules, vocabs, verb lists etc and keep practising them since P1. At CKY, there are fewer drills in grammar and vocab, but more book reports to do. Book reports at CKY allow a lot more freedom, while at my daughter's school there are a lot of guidelines to follow, and I would say, limit their freedom to think and reflect on their reading. Sometimes marks are deducted if you think too far away outside of the box!

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發表於 13-6-15 01:54 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:sschiu 的帖子

Continue...at CKY there are also a lot more opportunities to learn about doing presentions, group discussions and team work. There is a stronger environment of English and Putonghua, I believe it is because there are A LOT MORE native English and PTH teachers. At my daughter's school, they are required to speak in English in school but their motivation is not as strong and they do not speak as naturally as CKY kids. May be it is because most teachers are local they just don't have the feel of an "English speaking environment". For PTH, can't be compared with CKY at all! Hope the above information is helpful!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-6-15 15:50 |顯示全部帖子

引用:回復+sschiu+的帖子 哥哥六年級了,+哪麼愉

原帖由 train 於 13-06-14 發表
回復 sschiu 的帖子

哥哥六年級了, 哪麼愉快學習,是否到五、六年級時會好痛苦? 滿不滿意CKY的成果? ...
哥哥到五、六年級時仍然很愉快!不過工作量和要求是突然加重的。五年級集中教寫論文,由資料搜集開始至寫好論文再present,對他來說是有點挑戰的!所以由Yr 1 to 4的語文基礎一定要打好。升Yr 6又是另一轉捩點,因為升了中學,學校真的在教別人中學的課程,又有中史、地理等專科,又要學法文!一個學年下來好像還未warm up呢!

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發表於 13-6-20 19:07 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:sasa1202 的帖子

sads1202, I can't say she "enjoys" very much but she adapts well in three years. She is the "good girl" type and follows teachers' instructions closely. She has got some very good friends at school so she is happy. She also likes some of her teachers and enjoys their lessons.

We try to keep a balance on school work and extra curricular activities for her. I let her spend a lot of time and energy on her favourite ballet, gymnastics, art...you can imagine we haven't pushed her for high scores but keep her at a "comfortable" level. I am not the helicopter kind of mum that checks homework and schoolbag everyday. So, she is fine, and me too...for now!

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發表於 13-6-27 18:54 |顯示全部帖子
mandyk105 發表於 13-6-25 14:51
回復 sschiu 的帖子

好開心聽到你的分享.   有一個問題想問, 仔仔 及囡囡的性格如何 ?  你考慮IB or 傳統 ...
其實當年的阿仔都屬較内向,被動的類型,我很擔心他如果入傳統學校,會變成更被動,只會死讀書的呆子!所以不如賭一鋪讓他讀CKY,希望能開啓他的小腦袋。我記得Yr 1-2時他是有點吃力的,但幸運地,Yr 3遇到了一位很好的老師,竟能使他開竅起來,那年還獲得最佳進步獎!Yr 4-5他已經變成了另一個人,非常talkative並且很主動!



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發表於 13-6-29 20:28 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:mandyk105 的帖子



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發表於 13-7-14 11:54 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:dearjames 的帖子


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發表於 13-7-14 12:09 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 陳皮爸媽 於 13-07-12 發表
Sschiu: 請問家長的involve 多不多?如溫習,projects 等,仔仔的功課量又多不多?

另外如果學課外活動, ...


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發表於 13-7-19 11:47 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 sschiu 於 13-7-19 16:21 編輯
lewis5 發表於 13-7-19 00:04
回復 sasa1202 的帖子

It is because we, as parents, are exhausted with the school's pace - too much  ...

lewis5: It is very wrong to think that CKY is a place for escape from the traditional school pressure you are experiencing now! Actually you may be even MORE frustrated with CKY's style of teaching if you are already used to the traditional style. While in your daughter's school they will give you full details of curriculum structure (at least from the textbooks) and full guidelines of expectations (as in my girl's school, pages of rules to tell you how marks will be deducted in dictations, e.g. the letter "a" is "taller" than the blue line, commas cannot be too long, etc). At CKY, they only give you a high-level objective of the unit's learning (e.g. about "inventions" at Y6, for example) and then give students reading materials and worksheets around that topic. Occasionally there were grammar notes and exercises and then some quizzes to "test" their understanding. However, quizzes were not announced beforehand and they would not have revised (or learnt) to prepare for them. Some parents prefer this style because there will not be any pressure in helping children to excel in the quizzes. There is also no need to compare with other classmates and aim for higher scores next time. I think some parents like this kind of teaching style which is in between traditional and international schools. For those who monitor more closely may step in more to support the child (e.g. with extra tuitions), for those who are more care-free will be most happy when they see the brilliant booklets and posters the child created but may be horrified when one day they found that the child's ICAS scores has dropped suddenly! The question is, can you let go of being able to control / monitor your daughter's progress, and to know exactly what she is going to learn, in return for less pressure?

I think there are pros and cons for both traditional and CKY style schools. For your case I will also consider the chance of going on to a good secondary secondary. (How is the banding of your daughter's school right now? What is the chance of getting into a good band 1 secondary school, etc?) You may also want to consider if you want to take DSE? If you choose CKY your daughter will be taking international exams at the end. Also, will you send your daughter abroad for university? If not, probably staying with a GOOD traditional school may be more guaranteeing!

Just my two cents. Hope can help a bit. You may also see this thread for a reference:

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發表於 13-7-19 19:58 |顯示全部帖子
回復 lewis5 的帖子

lewis5: you asked about assessments at CKY. When my son was in primary, the teachers told parents that there is no need to help them study, and worksheets and workbooks were not allowed to bring home for revision (a few occasions for my case). In fact even if my son had brought his worksheets home, I would not have known how to help him study since there was no textbooks at all! I think the school really wanted children and parents not to have any pressure in tests and assessments, as this is the ideal of Principal Lau. They wanted to know how children have been learning in daily classroom. For children who were not able to do well in the assessments, they will be recommended to attend after-school intensive classes. My son had attended the Chinese ICC and it really helped him improve. I am sure you know how different it is in traditional schools about exams and tests and there is no need for me to compare here.

I have to emphasise that this was the case several years ago and I really do not know if they are handling assessments differently in primary now.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-20 08:27 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 kyliema2006 於 13-07-19 發表
看來ckwliu對學校頗為不滿。我在蔡繼有所見的孩子,有些越來越強,亦有些賣老本的學生,對中學係被大市拋離 ...
Kyliema2006: 你的意思是,被大市拋離了的學生應要走是吧?不能自學自強的不適合...這是學校/劉校長/老師對教育的態度嗎?請你clarify ?(可是我們見到不少成績最好的能成功轉校啊!)

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發表於 13-7-23 08:58 |顯示全部帖子
如果要孩子不要迷失就要有人帶領他們,教他們有用的知識,用地圖和指南針找到方向,迷失時便要引領他們囘正確航道。我覺得這是老師應有的責任!在CKY六年,我見到有的老師做到了(阿仔也有幸遇過幾位),但也有些是令人失望的。我覺得學校真的要加強品質管理 (quality management),不能讓迷途的學生自生自滅。
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