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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Any "Pure" Hong Kong Kid being accepted by ESF Prima ...
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Any "Pure" Hong Kong Kid being accepted by ESF Primary School ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-2-6 02:35 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Popolung

I agreed with your point.  I am interested in knowing how does ESF deal with students for Cat 1 or Cat 2 with regard to the subject matter (i.e. kids from pure Hong Kong family)

Do you know how does ESF classify Cat 1 or Cat 2 for the following students from a pure Hong Kong family:

1) Student born in HK & holding both HKSAR &  foreign passport (by descent)
2) Student born overseas holding both HKSAR passport (by descent) & a foreign passport
3) Student born in HK & holding HKSAR passport;

Does it give a merit to enter into ESF if a student born in HK and holds both local & foreign passport?  

From what I learnt at this forum, ESF does count a pure HK student who is also holding foreign passport. The student must be good at speaking English.   

My son applies to item 1 above and he is studying at TT Kinder, speaks English & little mandarine at school.  When he is home, he will speaks both English and cantonese.  As time goes by, I want him to speak more English to cope with ESF P1 interview.

When will I know my son be classified as Cat 1 or Cat 2 by ESF?  Before or after the interview?


Rank: 1

發表於 09-2-10 01:27 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Miclint

Great to hear that you son can speak good English.  Can you share some view to us?  It sounded like your son was treated as Cat 1.  Do you speak in English all the time to you son?  How did you get managed your son spoke in English during the ESP P1 interview?

Have you got other older son/daughter admitted by ESF before?  

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