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IS (ie ESF) or local DSS (ie DBSPD/ St. Paul's Co-ed) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-31 22:21 |顯示全部帖子
yes, popolung is right...  

you want to have native english level while you do not want to give up chinese.   how can you do that...  kid is having 'capacity', no matter how clever gifted child, language is something not just to learn but to use.  the less you use, the poor is the level.  so you want native level english, then you son will be 'banana', only yellow skin with white mind...  some white man can speak good chinese as only 2nd lauguage, but do you want chinese to be your son's 2nd lauguage...  in l.a., there are lots of 'banana'.  if you do not mind that should be okay.  i think there is not pin with 2 sharp ends.  you should take your side shortly.  IS is no 2nd choice anymore.  it getting more and more competitive, and not really less than the 1st level local schools.
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