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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 唔知點決定好,唔該大家幫幫手比d意見,係關於英國升學架~ ...
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唔知點決定好,唔該大家幫幫手比d意見,係關於英國升學架~ [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-11 08:49 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #1 cindy96 的文章

Well, I think no matter what marks your daugther is getting.  You should send her abroad if only you can afford and with her consent.

Disregard whether she would later come back to work or not, most of the top job in HK requires candidate speaks fluent to native English level with international approach is already a precondition ie. XX Morgan etc.

I am planning to send my children aboard also and am in the process in collating relative info & start to persuade them with my research as children dont like changes though I will go with them.

I have attended a talk organized by British Council last Sat. which was good and they have another event on same this coming Sat & Sun so go & have a look with your daughter if you have time.  There will be a talk by someone from Oxford too.

Hope this info helps.

Good luck !

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-11 09:08 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #1 cindy96 的文章

Dear parents,

I am planning to send my daughter (10) & son (15) to UK with alternative to Melbourne.

Appreciate if you can provide any good school that you have been studying before for reference.  My perference goes to Single Sex school only not Co-ed for my daughter for year 7 and my son Year 12 if possible or earlier (I hope it will have less trouble or if you can advise me otherwise....?)

I think I need to determine the network/location of school first then to think of whether to rent/buy a flat nearby or homestay ..... ( I hope the pound will keep dropping lar.... last Friday is 14.99 while it has been firm at 15.2 or 15.4 ...)

Thank you for any kind advise.
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