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教育王國 討論區 金巴倫英文幼稚園 會讀2010 K1報到區
樓主: lenny1130

會讀2010 K1報到區 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-29 23:21 |顯示全部帖子
stafford and york are more or less the same, they're sister schools.  both of them train young children go for cambridge exam- take starters exam at K2 and movers later on.  see if you agree with their exam based training programmes or not.  I love SN's children-oriented educational philosophy.  The school cares about the total development of children, it doesn't produce exam machines.  Children are as lovely, innocent and happy as they should be.

原帖由 macy0421 於 10-1-29 18:25 發表
hihi, nice to meet the mammies.

my son is a little kid (nov 07) and has an offer in PM N1, 2.  

Seems many kids's birthday in Nov, we can have a big birthday later!!  :)

We live in Tai Kok Tsui, an ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-30 20:15 |顯示全部帖子
K1當然未有默書, 上學期會做很多小肌訓練, 線條練習, 下學期開始學筆劃, 寫簡單英文大階, 數字和簡單中文字.  每日有一本功課, 很快做完, 在校亦有其他堂課.  我的小朋友現在讀k1, 英文聽講讀都很不錯, 中文認字都比我想像中好, 學術程度方面我個人認為屬中上, 但學校同時仍注重小朋友的自理, 常規, 好鼓勵小朋友表達自我, 我所見的sn小朋友都好活潑開心, 各方面都好平均.

原帖由 smt070115 於 10-3-29 15:49 發表
我仔仔將會讀pm班, 我想問下有無人知課程方面, 金巴倫究竟屬何等級 ?  中級?
功課量如何 ?
有無默書 / 測驗 ? k1我相信未必有, 唔知k2開始有無?

因我老公成日話活動教學唔知多唔多野學, 好擔心將來考直資 / 私小時 ...
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