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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 直資叩門 : 英華vs NPL vs培基 vs崇真
樓主: francomama

直資叩門 : 英華vs NPL vs培基 vs崇真 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-6-19 22:35 |顯示全部帖子
First of all, whether I can accommodate different opinions are irrelevant to the issue.  What we really concern is what you said about bullying at NPL (esp. you insulted the non-Chinese NPL students) has no concrete evidence to support.  

I dare to say that my work experience must be much richer than yours.  I have handled many difficult persons in the past.  But I never think that people with different opinions are my enemies.   Instead, if their comments are well justified and supported with facts, different opinions can be resolved by communication.  

I also offer you a piece of advice: listen to the parents' comments (on you) here.  

原帖由 unknownxp 於 10-6-19 22:14 發表


連容人的氣量都沒有,談什麼理直氣壯地愈辯愈明 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-20 00:11 |顯示全部帖子
Firstly, you responded to Wan2010 by saying that when her daughter was bullied, she would have the proofs.  Apparently, you still hold the view that the non-Chinese NPL students would bully others.

Secondly, I certainly accepted other parents' comments on me.  If others don't think so, please alert me.

Regrettably, my company does not have a particular location indeed.  You can find it elsewhere.  My colleagues are not teachers of NPL but they have friends whose kids are studying at NPL.  In addition, my kid's teachers also have positive comments on NPL as they have contacts with NPL management.  Hence, I had done my own research before I accepted NPL's offer.

May I invite you and other interested parents to attend a meeting with your school teachers and the PTA of NPL.  Please let your Principal (Dr. Hong) and the PTA know which class you come from.  I shall talk to Dr. Hong directly about this issue in due course.  To facilitate Dr. Hong's consideration, please also copy your comments here for her advance information.  I wish the meeting can be a fruitful one and let everybody know your grievance and see what can we help.  

原帖由 unknownxp 於 10-6-19 23:01 發表

首先,我已經澄清我沒有insult non-chinese NPLians。如果你仍覺得我有,請指出我有咩字眼有侮辱成分。

多謝你的意見,我應該"listen to the parents' comments (on me) here"

我也給你一項建議,你應該"listen to th ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-20 07:31 |顯示全部帖子
Thank you for your particpation in advance.

I'll personally ring Dr. Hong Lo Chi Chun and let you know the arrangement.  

Besides, please respond to your Principal when she or her deputies approach you.

原帖由 unknownxp 於 10-6-20 00:40 發表

"when her daughter was bullied, she would have the proofs." 咁你都講得出,我冇講過

我意思係如果wan2010's daughter witness the incidents, she can prove to her mum.

btw, who is dr. hong? 我淨係知dr. k ...

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發表於 10-7-6 15:40 |顯示全部帖子
Is the result ok?

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發表於 10-7-6 15:41 |顯示全部帖子
Is the result ok?
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