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沙田區暑假棒球訓練 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-30 17:55 |顯示全部帖子

Hope you will read this thread cos the HoManTin one was locked.

I would say 6y is a better age to start off, cos by that time the kid will be able to listen to instructions better than a 4y.

The HK Baseball Assn teams up with LCSD (govt dept) each year to run introductory courses for kids and teenagers in summer each year.

Piglet joined this during K2=>K3 summer,
and I found it to be a good sport :
emphasis is on team spirit and good discipline.
The chief instructor was vvv good - very stern but good with the kids.

Then piglet joined again during the following year - this time the chief instructor was not good enough and it was no fun.

So I suggest you wait for 2y more before letting your kid join, and should first join this joint summer course as a trial, see if your kid likes it or not, then decide which district assn to join.

As for costs, there is a monthly / annual fee, not sure, then the baseball "uniform" can be cheap or expensive depends where / what you buy.

The worst case is around $7xx per month, about 3y ago.

One of my cousins is also an active member of one of the baseball associations.

If you decide to join an association after the trial summer course, remember baseball requires weekly attendance, usually Sunday whole day, and its expected to be a family sport (the parents go with the kids to support them).  Quite time consuming, but then if the kid likes the sport then he will automatically manage his own time better to make his Sundays free.
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