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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 香港靈糧堂(AM)vs聖瑪加利大(PM) - 係仔, 你會讀邊間?? ...
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香港靈糧堂(AM)vs聖瑪加利大(PM) - 係仔, 你會讀邊間?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-29 17:37 |顯示全部帖子
My son also admitted to 聖大 pm and Rosary Hill pm. Both are Catholic and in Net 12 but people like 聖大 because of its allocation result despite its facilities are a lot worse than Rosary Hill. Not sure if I should send my son to 聖大 or Rosary Hill. Both schools have to pay for the uniform and other fee on 7th May. Can someone give some advice?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-30 08:51 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# sh_yip 的文章

Is your son also accepted into the pm class in 聖大? Do you have other choices besides 聖大 and why you choose it over Rosary Hill as people said p1 allocation is mainly depend on where you live and whether you've got enough points. If this is true, why not choose one kindergarten which give a better curriculum (Rosary Hill has both NET, Mandarin and Montessori) and good facilities? I'm just trying to find out more in order to make a good decision for my son. Hope I did not ask too much.
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