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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 請問有無人用緊/用過Mother goose?
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請問有無人用緊/用過Mother goose? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-10-13 18:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問有無人用緊/用過Mother goose?

My baby started to use both mother goose and DWE since she was born. She is now 13 months. She loves the songs in both sets. I think it's difficult to compare since the $$$ are very much different. Taking into account the price factor, I consider the CDs and books of Mother Goose are quite good. I personally don't like their VCDs and haven't let me baby have a look due to its poor quality. My baby moved her body and clapped her hands while listening to the songs and reading the books. For DWE, I believe that it is also a very effective tool to teach the children English. But the price is       . My set was very very cheap as it was a second hand one got from my friend. My baby and I love DWE also. For English Time, I saw their demo before but I though it was a bit too difficult for babies and I didn't like their characters which was a bit ugly in my view.
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