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教育王國 討論區 備戰大學 Personal Statement
樓主: ANChan59

Personal Statement [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-8-7 13:21 |顯示全部帖子
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My girl had recently written her first personal statement during her application process of a summer program.
With the guidance from the internet she managed to throw up a 200-word masterpiece.
It contains all the don’ts
listed in your post and, I’m sure, pretty enough “I” starting in quite many sentences.
Luckily enough I guess the expected standard for junior secondary students is not high so she’s still got a pass.

I would expect to see the need for her to write such personal statements in the future, both in her education and career path.
Her first personal statement now makes part of her portfolio, together with your invaluable comments.
I hope to see progress next time.

Thanks to ANChan59 who contributes a lot of valuable information to EK parents which in my opinion results in more parents willingness to share.
The time-consuming work carried out by parents such as khmama, redkoni will not be neglected either.
These kinds of positive momentum should be encouraged.
We are only beneficiaries here.

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