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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 名校的迷思
樓主: hui3328

名校的迷思 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-7 11:37 |顯示全部帖子
When I handed in the application form for discretionary P1 place for St. Mary's, while we were waiting in the queue, we noticed that a student probably just started P1, refused to enter the school entrance and was crying miserably.  Her mother had to drag her to the entrance. It scared the hell of everyone waiting in the queue.  Everybody started to think "am I choosing the right school for my child?"
原帖由 ggoo 於 09-10-7 11:29 發表
明白你地既解釋,咁即是入到名校都唔可以好淡定,都要小朋友攞到好成績先可以留底,咁唔怪得咁多名校學生要補習,因為人地補自己唔補就好似有d蝕底咁,怕跟唔上人地.我有個朋友個女入到聖瑪利讀,佢都話學校是好,但個女讀 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-7 12:54 |顯示全部帖子
Why chinese students spend so much time on 補習 and doing practice questions?  The students from Westerner familes rarely do this sort of things.  Yet they still can excel in university and do very well in their career.  Why is that?  Why HK students spend all the time on cramming books and leave no time for doing other things like sports.  Their life cycle is school, homework, 補習, further 補習, surfing net and playing video games...If you compare this to the States and other European countries, HK students' life exposure is very limited.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-7 19:29 |顯示全部帖子
"我個女K3已經串到千幾個英文字"??? You daughter must be briliant.  I can't spell 1000 words even I'm 45 years old now.[quote]原帖由 polarbb 於 09-10-7 18:48 發表
我唔覺自己有好偉大,生得出黎就要教,不過人人教小朋友方式唔同,有人鍾意比佢自由發展,有人要佢10項全能,而我只係希望可以做到平衡,我唔係一個專制的家長,不過亦唔會太放縱,睇返宜家D小朋友就係太過放縱,好多都好冇禮 ... [/quote]
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