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教育王國 討論區 金巴倫英文幼稚園 會讀2010 K1報到區
樓主: lenny1130

會讀2010 K1報到區 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-8 15:54 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, everybody,
如無意外, my girl will study at SN next year(pm).
We live in Shatin, any shatin friends here?

原帖由 lenny1130 於 09-12-5 00:25 發表

我地會讀下年SN K1 AM...希望早啲同大家交流下...
如果決定會讀...或好大會讀既朋友仔都入黎交流下啦~~~ ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-11 00:30 |顯示全部帖子
Hello ElizaSit,

We have similar case.
My elder son is a graduate of KV(now P.2, how about your. girl?), but my girl only on waiting list this year.

I was quite disappointed... although being a small girl(end of Oct,07)my daughter performed quite well in the interview of KV...answer all questions and sing a song....everything done.

So... I don't know what went wrong...

.......anyway, i also feel lucky I have this offer from SN, after reading all positive comments of other parents, I believe SN is also a good choice.

原帖由 ElizaSit 於 09-12-9 19:15 發表
hello. my son is big boy 0407 and accepted PM session and I also paid the deposit for seat reservation.
St. Cat is on waiting
KV is rejected. (Its my 1st choice, my daughter graduated from this KG)

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-12 14:05 |顯示全部帖子
Wow...then my son and your girl were from the same year. They might be classmates: My son: K1F, 2M, 3K ah!

Yes, I agree KV really trained them well, my son may be not as乖 as your girl.somtimes still need催佢做功課. But he's doing well so far, still handle all homeorks and dictation quite easily...infact, almost the whole P.1 can 食老本from KV!


I hope our younger ones can be "schoolmates " again la... KV, or SN!

原帖由 ElizaSit 於 09-12-12 13:09 發表
My daughter is in Primary 2 now.
我朋友個細女依家係SN 讀緊U1, 佢話 SN比KM 好 (佢大女係KM 畢業).
KV 真係TRAIN 得的小朋友好自律做功課. 我女到依家都唔使我催佢做功課. 每次都係做完功課等我放工回去CHECK 就 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-13 14:13 |顯示全部帖子
Same same>>there are a lot extra activities for my son after school.

I already wrote a letter to SN reguest to change to am section. I submitted the letter together with my registration fee.

However, the staff told me that the chance is very slim and asked me not to expect too much wor.

原帖由 ElizaSit 於 09-12-13 11:05 發表
my daughter was in 1A, 2B, 3A in Dorset Crescent campus.
My son is offered in PM session. Due to there are a lot extra activities for my daughter after school. I want write a letter to SN chang ...
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