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國際學校私補? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-18 09:29 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 glorian 於 10-5-14 22:21 發表
想請問係咪有private tutor專補國際學校既學生? 因為坊間既補習社或補習老師都係教主流學校既學生, curriculum唔同, 好難教得好

另外有朋友特別請private tutor幫佢已經係國際學校讀書既小朋友補習, 希望佢入到更好 ...

I know 2 places in Lyndhurst Terrace that do private tutoring for IS students.  Budding Kidz (16/F) is for kindy and lower primary.  They focus on their english skills, social and attention skills.  They have group, individual and interview classes.  Their teachers are retired teachers and alumni of various international schools.  They only serve up to 9 years old.

Alpha Academy (5/F) is for upper primary and secondary.  They do tutoring in many subjects and for older children.  They also help with overseas boarding school entrance exams, GCSE, IB, A-level and University applications.  I think they only do individual tutoring, because I have never seen groups of students flocking in and out of their office.

Both of them are pricy, like you said.  But I don't know their exact charges.

[ 本帖最後由 lottieclee 於 10-5-18 09:34 編輯 ]
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