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小學local school中學IS有冇人收? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-30 10:42 |顯示全部帖子

回復 2# VKwan 的帖子

To be honest, children in IS come and go all the time, it's hard to predict whether it's easy to get a place when it comes to you wanting your child to go into grade 7.  However here are some hints:

1. Apply anyways & apply early.  There are usually long waiting lists.  You can then decide whether to send your child to the school when time comes that they offer you a place.

2. Almost all schools look at english proficiencies.  Make sure your child can communicate effectively in english.  I would say that is your key to almost ALL IS.

3. You know your child best, you would have to make sure that you accept the way IS teach children.  You would also need to make sure that your child can adapt to the teaching and learning environment.  There are a few families in my husband's company who has switched their children from LS to IS at a late stage and neither the parent nor the child enjoyed it.  1 was lucky that the child could switch back to local school, the others were pretty much stuck.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-30 10:43 |顯示全部帖子
There are quite a few schools you can consider:


Do a google search on international schools, it's not difficult to find info.  It would be best that you read the pages, book school tours to see which school you and your child like best

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-30 23:32 |顯示全部帖子

回復 8# pianopiano 的帖子

No I didn't...  I am very for IS cuz I went to IS myself.

What I said was that some of my husband's colleages switched their children to IS and they ended up wanting to switch their children back to LS.  1 was successful but the other 2 were stuck.  They were not happy at their IS, because the child felt estranged.

I guess what I mean is... when it comes to choosing schools, whether local or IS is a very personal experience and decision.  IS is a very broad term (e.g. the teaching style is very different at ESF, ISF and CDNIS...and again... just an example).  Parents and children should look for a school that suits their culture, believes and goals, but not just go blindly to throw yourself to any one school because people say that particular school is good.  Visiting the schools and talking to teachers at schools are crucial steps in choosing a school, particularly when you are switching from LS to IS.

[ 本帖最後由 lottieclee 於 11-6-30 23:38 編輯 ]
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