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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 最最....差既 ST+ST centre!!!
樓主: ikebukuro

最最....差既 ST+ST centre!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-9 17:03 |顯示全部帖子
pls pm to me too. thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-11 11:03 |顯示全部帖子
hi KwanLui,

我想問吓... 整個訓練過程(由2歲到依家)係吾係每星期去上堂一次呀? 因為我們已經上左成4個月課,個st堂堂d野都差不多,我覺得我在堂上學了,在家也可以繼續做。不過,個st又話一星期一次係基本的。所以想問下你呀。謝謝!

原帖由 KwanLui 於 09-12-10 17:20 發表
吾好禁嬲la.....其實個ST同mammy講baby既情況時都好應顧下人家感受, 吾好講到baby好似一冇是處禁...

不如我介紹下我呢2年黎幫我baby既機構la...仔仔而家4years old la, 佢2歲時被CAC評speech delay (for 1 and half ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-11 12:23 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 KwanLui 於 09-12-11 11:45 發表
係吖, 我地呢2年黎都差吾多1星期1堂, but 當然每個小朋友情況吾一樣la.

其實小朋友最親容密既老師係我地吖, 就算比b 一星期5堂咪見得果5個鐘, 我地應從旁学習導師技巧, 日常生活也可應用吖.....吾止小朋友要學習... ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-12 11:24 |顯示全部帖子
Dear KwanLui,

Really appreciate your kindness !

You know what, my baby is now 32 months, who started to speak at 24 months. Although i didn't put intensive training to him ($$ issue), I tried my very best to train him at home and hd weekly ST training. I found his steps and improvement was quiet similar to your little boy before. Therefore, your sharing really impress me, that makes me see my coming future... what is my next step... really give me a short-term objective.... Again, a billion thanks !!

原帖由 KwanLui 於 09-12-11 15:25 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-12 13:24 |顯示全部帖子
yes... we have been assessed this summer (when he was 27 mths), and now we are waiting for the services of E & S.

At the same time, we were doing training too. He had improvement for the 1st and 2nd months, both on eye contact and interest on people...... however, it seems no improvement this 2 months....

In contrast, he did badly in N1 class at Sep when he firstly started.... but every now and then, the class teacher told me he has improved in behaviours at class. E.g. able to line up, hold other child's hand, sit still for 2 mins., stop lie down on floor, show more interest on others. He also learn to sing, always singing at home, but also learn the bad things from classmates, such as hitting people..... but at least, he can imitate others.

Becos he has no improvement on training lesson, I have talked to my ST (becos I want to know her objective too)... but her answer is my son is too stubborn, doesn't want to follow instruction.. so we may need some time...

I just wondering why they hv different opinions. Later, i think maybe the N1 class hv more flexibility for him. But 1:1 training is more focus on him, and he need to do what hv been told.

So, I started to tell him he needs to obey.... I can't let him be the boss all the time...... Now I can say he is more "soft" when comparing to a month ago..... but still.... I have a lot to do, to maintain his good behaviour and eliminate his bad ones.... a BIG project.... and a lot of challenges ahead....

原帖由 KwanLui 於 09-12-12 12:36 發表

你有冇政府service啦, 爭好遠架 (當時E生叫我排E&S位, 我亦FORECAST 吾到baby既前路, 吾使$照等la) 如果baby後來表現吾得, 要入S位又何防呢 - 有3師会審:D ST, OT, PT STAND BY AND 1對6(AROUND),  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-12 13:27 |顯示全部帖子
Hi KwanLui,

btw, do u hv any ideas if he always looks at the wall/fence to walk forth and back ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-13 16:11 |顯示全部帖子
Hi cecilau, thanks for your reply and suggestion.

For me, money is an issue. Another point is my son only attend N1 class 2 hrs every day. I just treat this as playgroup for him to paly with other kids and learn school schedule.... which i think he can adapt quite well so far (this is a play-approach KG, not academic one).

The issue concern me most actually is the ST, I need her advice to train my son every night & during holiday (I can arrived home at 7pm sharp). When she told me my son was quite stubborn last month, I can figure out solution myself on how to make him "soft"... but during the training lesson, my boy didn't listen to the ST most of the time..and finally, I need to speak up, and my boy can finish the tasks... but her explaination is 媽媽在..孩子不聽話.... so I try to wait outside, still.... i can hear she can't handle him quietly.

This is not my first experience on trainers cannot handle my boy. Therefore, I am quite concern about this issue. Anyway, I decided to change ST.

Sometimes, I may think.... the ST need to do so many tasks within 1 hr ... which may not possible for such a 有主見的小朋友,therefore, i can only trust myself to learn the skills and do it at home or whenever possible.

原帖由 cecilau 於 09-12-12 13:33 發表
如果我係你, 經濟能力又許可, 唔好返普通n 班, 而返所謂的"私人s位" 雖然無s位咁好, 但點都好過n班, 因為n 班的老師無咁多時間去睇你仔仔, 最後你仔仔係乜都學唔到呀, 咁就浪費時間呀.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 10:44 |顯示全部帖子
係喎.... 我都要同新ST傾吓...其實一個鐘是否太長呢.... 多謝提點 ! :)

U know that, the ST suggested me to hv 1 hr 2-kids social skill training and then 1/2 hr individual training.... totally 1.5 hrs......After that lesson, both my boy and I exhausted. So, I turned back to hv individual training only.

原帖由 cecilau 於 09-12-14 09:33 發表
十分明白你的situation, 因為我仔仔都遇過咁的問題. 我個人覺得一個鐘的st 對2歲幾的小朋友實在太長呀. 我覺得30mins 就夠. 同埋最重要係家長學左點樣教小朋友做, 所以上堂最好你要在場, 咁你先可以學到野, 返屋企可 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 11:00 |顯示全部帖子
yes, you're right. So, how did you handle your son when it happened ?

For me, if I just talk to him (ask him to stop), he will stop for 1 second and then do it again right away. If I go to take him away, somtimes he will follow me to go, no crying. But sometimes he will insist his action.

原帖由 KwanLui 於 09-12-14 10:38 發表

你所描述既有d似自閉症症或者有傾向的"固執性行為", 死板而冇变化的, 甚至堅持1成不变既模式. 當初我仔仔又係鐘意玩車仔, 方式冇变化, 堅持手揸住行, even 有batterary都吾肯放手讓佢自己行, even 見到哥哥用其他 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 14:13 |顯示全部帖子


在kg, 我是有時會陪他一起上課1/2小時的,所以不是老師說什麼我就相信,我是自己也有看見的。

而且,在家及在公園,我會多時訓練他聽指令,及教他簡單回答 (我想這是他目前最需要學習的),有時, 爸爸也會出點鬼主意捉弄他,令他知道事情是有變化的。

這幾個月, 我帶他出街, 他有著明顯的進步,如全程1.5小時跟從我要走的方向, 沒有異議。如在大公園他走遠一點,叫他回來,他會立即走回來。可以回答簡單如係,知,好的問題。可能你們覺得沒有什麼了不起, 但在我眼中這一點點是非常珍貴的。

加上,多番查問各導師, 上bk 及參考書籍,有足夠時間及耐心,恆心 (其他我都是有點固執的..hehe), 我很有信心及清楚自己有能力訓練亞仔的。只不過, 我相信"學無止境", 所以,好鐘意問人意見,作為參考,其實自己好知道自己要什麼。

不過, 你提醍咗我,現時PST可能比較合適。Thanks a lot!

一起努力 !!!

原帖由 KwanLui 於 09-12-14 11:13 發表

以我自己既睇法呢, 一般幼稚園導師當然係話小朋友冇問題la只要佢吾係响課堂上表現差到令老師上吾到堂(因為佢地都係学校收入來源...)我仔仔2歲時响樓下既國際kinder讀2歲班-teacher都話佢okok...because he just si ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-14 15:05 |顯示全部帖子
yes, everybody.... cheer up !!!!

原帖由 KwanLui 於 09-12-14 14:55 發表

其實只有你有信心和耐性, 我地自己就係佢地最好, 最便宜抵用既老師吖 唔一定要做好貴的training, 仲要爸爸可配合就最prefect la.

(.....可以回答簡單如係,知,好的問題。可能你們覺得沒有什麼了不起.....) - 点 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-15 17:30 |顯示全部帖子
個人愚見..... 其實個OT都話咗slide, swing, jump 係有幫助,你可以多d帶佢去公園slide, 睇吓人地swing, 睇多咗, tum吓佢試玩, 一步一步試,不要勉強。如佢未識jump就由你將佢送高送低。如家有地方,買個兒童彈床 (toys "r"us有售)比佢玩。至於上吾上堂,就要睇吓你自己啦.....例如.....有冇時間....基本知識....等等。初時無經驗時.....最好上堂問多D啦.....:)

原帖由 ikebukuro 於 09-12-14 16:14 發表
Which kind of your BB is? (1. cannot sit still & run around or 2. sit still but no response only) my BB is type 1, since I'm not sure whether my BB need to take 1-1 ot training or not? I bring him to  ...
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