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大家一起分享 -- 協恩中學校長談教育 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-2-27 10:57 |顯示全部帖子
I think most parents think it's good but what they act is just the opposite or even if not opposite,  most of the parents just will not really fight for the goals i.e. prefer the kids to study or spell more words instead of asking the kids to do the daily chores which can be done or should be done by the maid.  As doing chores may not get the kid a SCHOOL RESULT but wasting/using their time which can be more "MEANINGFUL" or "WISELY" such as taking some more art, phonics, music class etc.

SCHOOL RESULT is critical to parents and it is quite easy to see and just take a short time to see the effect.  However, building up a character or living attitude, it is a long journey and do not have a "definite" result as easily seen as the above.  So....some parents would rather scarify the things such as 自理 in order to exchange for good academic result which actually...it might not help or even it might be quite  "dangerous" in the long term.
As the school master said, attitude is  more important than skills they know in the real life.  It's difficult to learn attitude when you have grown up but skills you may learn it even when you are 70.  

It's difficult for parent to make a "choice" on how to educate their own kids.  All of us know the ideal case and would say both attitude and skills is important.  But when there is dilemma, what would you really choose? prefer?  Do you have the determination or confidence to go for the one you prefer which may not be the same as most of the population?  Can you still maintain your choice under pressure?  Do you need any kind of result to prove you right or wrong?  What kind of result would you care?  How long would you wait to evaluate the result?  One month, one year or one decade or one life?

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