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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 最最....差既 ST+ST centre!!!
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最最....差既 ST+ST centre!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-3 15:12 |顯示全部帖子
Which centre was it? Can you PM me?

原帖由 ikebukuro 於 09-12-3 00:56 發表
Thank you for your encouraging. I'm not angry for wasting my money, I'm disappointed of their "earing money method"!!!You told me it should usually have 3T at the intensive course, but I can answer u  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 18:15 |顯示全部帖子


ikebukuro Ktv,

早兩日先喺你哋治話果間ST(Causeway Bay)問都有每週適合時段1 vs 1 ST,我冇打佢算Buy佢其他training,因為阿女排到協康 1 vs 1 幼師,又有Links 既小組。Tmr要去評估,train住呢等協康有冇壞?你去CB/HH or TW?唔Buy其他trianing會唔會死"Lur"唔放呀?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-15 14:41 |顯示全部帖子

Pre-nursery話佢都係坐5-10分鐘,在家玩Playdough/ sticker/ 塗鴉就可以up to 30min。但我又好怕佢坐得耐時其實墮入了重複性行為。

講起ST,我雖然喺New Page花了$1000做評估,後來還是Book了HKSSC,1月中開始每週訓練。協康每週pst也在12月底開始了。CAC至現在未夠兩個月,揾齊1vs1訓練我估都算快,若阿女跟這些導師夾得來,就真是上帝開路了。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-16 13:00 |顯示全部帖子
I think lokmanmama's discussion is quite true.

My daughter is not having any inidividual OT.  She just attends the all-round group training (Tue  4-6 pm) at Links.  At the first lesson, we were requested to fill in a questionnair on the baby's habits and behaviour for SI assessment.  After observing her for two lessons, the OT of that class advised that the sensitivity of the "front " of her brain is below optimum.  Sensory Motor (swing/merry-go-round ...) activities can satisfy her intrinsic need for stimulation by motion.  If such sense become satisfied, she will feel well-balcanced and relieved and become more patient and attentive.  As far as I've learnt from other seminars, if the "front" of the brain is over-sensitive, the kid would scare skaking/turning/falling and height.  But sensitivity of the "front" is only one attribute of SI (on which my daughter has some problem) and Sensory Motor seems to be the relevant type of SI training my daughter needs.  I can see her enjoys the class at Links very much.  Do you think the OT exaggerated the function of Sensory Motor on my girl?

Of course the pst of the class also advised me to make her sit well by household training.  So I don't insist that all babies who don't sit well need SI training.  I learned that the intensive course at Joyfulclass includes SI training twice a week, while the intensive course at Steps provides no SI. The intensive coruse at Links provide SI/sensory motor every day and I'm on the waiting list of this.  I'm considering joining Joyfulclass too.  Recently there has been quite many mama value Joyfulclass effective and caring.  Yet, I haven't see any comment on the intensive course at Links.  Anybody can advise?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-17 15:14 |顯示全部帖子
The OT told me that provision of Sensory Motor activities and playground facilities can help to modulate the sensitivity of the "front" towards the optimum and gradually the kid would become less jumpy.  So taking the kid to playground everyday is encouraged.  Bouncing on fit ball and rotating on office chair at home could also help.  

I guess it is like sth called "sand therapy", which serve to adjust the sensitivity of the kid towards contact and texture, and gradually the kid will not scare touching certain materials/texture.

As we opt for sending my daugther to intensive course before joining Kinder, we prefer a course that includes OT or sensory motor; and did not consider taking 1 to 1 OT.  I meet the 1 to 1 pst at Heep Hong for the first time yesterday and she said my daugther's behaviour was not too bad wor.
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