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教育王國 討論區 保良局林文燦英文小學 保良局林文燦英文小學 2010-2011
樓主: JackyBaBa

保良局林文燦英文小學 2010-2011 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-26 23:35 |顯示全部帖子
i have been looking this forum for LMC for very long time....i am happy to see there are a lot of parent like LMC same as me......i have an elder son studying there in TSL.. but i find his english skill is quite ok...but chinese, math and the teachers....not good enough...and only 20% nonchinese students....

i actually gave up TSL offer and registered LMC today...coz i think my son will be happier here....

i saw many parents are in the waiting list hoping to get offer on saturday....today i paid $$$ at 5:15pm, i saw their name list almost all ticked..seems not a lot of people resigned their place...

when ms man interview me she told me actually LMC can accept 32 per class..total 128.. now they are just register 120...that means 8 place are discretion to the school...and i have one friend in the waiting list call the school yesterday...talked with a senior teacher for 30 mins...she told me that they told her LMC will serious consider her case again....i think may be LMC is considering the remaining 8 places...

so i suggest you call them tomorrow to show your sincere la..just trytry!!!!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-27 00:10 |顯示全部帖子
don't worry.. wish god bless you! I am happy that there are many good parents together next year!!! I signed the form and did not register any other school la..............
i think we all choose the right school....

原帖由 Whitepine 於 09-11-27 00:04 發表

Thank you for your information.

After read your message, I think I can't sleep well tonight...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-27 23:38 |顯示全部帖子
french also ! great!

actually i heard from TSL parents that another one or two parent also did not go TSL and choose LMC, for what reasons i dunno....
the reason i quit TSL is because i know that the teacher are not patient and kind enough.. also the P5,6 student are quite naughty....just what i think...the reducing number of nonchinese students make me feel that it will become an outside English inside Chinese school..

compare to LMC when the day i have interview my son feel much happier......

oh if really can occupt the next school then LMC will be quite large and much better.....i hope so la....

so now i have no 2nd choice la.............

原帖由 JackyBaBa 於 09-11-27 23:00 發表

真係恭喜晒Whitepine, 美心你地成功!!!


我今日註冊既時 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-29 01:41 |顯示全部帖子
to me i think TSL has a very good hardware... but the software is getting lower standard..espacially my son are quite active... and TSL style does not suit that....and maybe TSL has too many teachers and students.when the school is getting large in szie the control will become more difficult...making their standard getting lower and lower...so that's why we made a change.. hope it works/...

yes, one problem is the we never know how many people admitted exactly in the first round in TSL...make me very worry about the admission... what i heard is that some 2nd phase places are left for new applicants and to those plk總理 close connections, 99.9% of the failed applicants in first place will not be entertained...

but anyway different people have different choices...those who never study in TSL would surely be attracted like me in the first time.....

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-29 12:10 |顯示全部帖子
you are quite right..but my elder son cannot go LMC la. coz LMC only has P3..

its true that i just heard from others, i have no method to proof that

i agree that the choice will be made according to the type of the kid also,,so everybody noneed to worry....if u just like TSL you may wait there..may have chance....good luck

but seeing many parents confident LMC also i now not so worry about that...and to most parents i think if finally can't get in TSL... LMC can also be a quite ok choice as well... and i think later years LMC will have similar difficulty to get in like TSL now..

原帖由 miss_cockroach 於 09-11-29 12:03 發表

請問你從何得知2nd phase的位是留給"plk總理 close connections",如果只是你的估計或聽聞,那對學校不是太公平。事實上,在admission talk學校已提過2nd phase是重頭來過,不會計算1st phase的結果,所以不是99.9% of the f ...

[ 本帖最後由 janetysy 於 09-11-29 15:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-30 01:01 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# acustica 的文章

ai....whether a kid is really "naughty" or the teacher using a wrong approach or treatment is just a fine line....ordinary parents may not be so easily understand those situations when some low level teachers can negatively affect a class of students...later if her son face similar problem she may understand....

what i am not so satisfy is that as TSL become larger and more famous,.. the quality control is getting weaker and weaker as there are really lot of staff..
we may use the chinese "樹大有枯枝" to describe.. of coz compare to most of the schools in HK, TSL is still good one.. but to me not as so good as every outsider are expecting...

one thing i am attracted is i heard from other parents that LMC has a full time social worker and there may be 2nd one next year when students are getting more...hope special care will be given

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-1 16:27 |顯示全部帖子
i think hugomum is having a son studying in LMC now... and her daughter will study in P1 LMC next year right????
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