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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 有冇智能評為borderline的初中/高小家長, 一齊傾吓d 難 ...
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有冇智能評為borderline的初中/高小家長, 一齊傾吓d 難處 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-28 13:59 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
兒子今年中一, 好不容易讀完六年小學, 但小學都算很有愛心, 如今中一, 就發覺支援實在太小了.
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-1-30 12:19 |顯示全部帖子
Worrymama  及jena2468,
很高興有你們回應, 因咁耐我都未識過同問題的家長, 亞仔細時讀兼收位, 小學又有加輔及融合, 所以我都識d 家長, 但佢地的問題是自閉, 讀寫, 輕度, 就未聽過borderline, 但睇資料就話人口中有14%應是borderline, 咁點解?不過我諗可能我地  d  細路冇一個好特別的問題, 總之就是慢, 所以不起眼.

我仔讀緊普通中學中一, 我都有考慮過志蓮, 不過又想俾機會佢試吓, 我都一路睇住, 唔得就要轉,我都問過志蓮, 佢話會收插班, 不過要等waiting.
係呢, 我都想問吓炮循, 你覺得亞仔讀得開唔開心?你亞仔中幾?d課程對佢深定淺?學校多唔多borderline的細路?

咁你諗緊邊d 中學? 舊年呢個時候我都係好煩, 不過唔代表而家唔煩

原帖由 jena2468 於 10-1-29 11:01 發表
亞仔e+ 小六, 唔止係borderline重有 adhd + asperger, 對於升中有無數嘅擔憂 !

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-1 14:05 |顯示全部帖子

No problem, English is ok for me.

So far, my son has no big problem in relating with others.  Actually, this is the biggest worry that I have, as I'm afraid he'll be bullied, have no friends, etc.  But my son tell me that he talks with classmates and has some friends.  I think that what he means `friends' may not be rather close, but anyway I think that at least he is not isolated.

How about your son?  At Methodist, can he make friends with others well.  Actually, I think about Chi Lin sometimes because I think that if he goes there, he might have a lot of friends---but my husband tell me that it's just my assumption.

原帖由 worrymama 於 10-1-30 21:33 發表

my son is in F2 now, by the way, can your son get along well with other schoolmates ??

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-1 14:10 |顯示全部帖子

我之前都有考慮過中聖, 不過因太遠, 最後沒有選.
其實我都鍾意天主教學校, 不過天主教學校多是勁的, 實在諗唔到邊間啱, 所以又冇得選.
好似呢輪要選校了, 祝你亞仔好運, 入到啱嘅學校.

原帖由 jena2468 於 10-2-1 10:24 發表
我去睇過深水埗嘅中聖書院覺得幾好, 另外因為個仔想讀天主教學校所以都會諗下一兩間 !

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-3 13:53 |顯示全部帖子

share with you about son's social situation.

I think if they can make friends in school, it's very good already.  Maybe they still don't have the ability to think about how to deepen their friendship, e.g. telephone contacts or go out.

As for the experience in primary school, my son is a bit luckier because his school admits lots of
融合生 and 加輔生, so there are many children rather `strange'.  My son has got one or two friends at school.  There is telephone looking for him very very occasionally.  However, sometimes I ask him to return calls, and he seldom and too timid to do so.

Now in secondary 1, half year already, only one call for him last week.  Yesterday he told me that last week he 嗌交with one classmate, because that boy ask him to pick up the things that the boy drop on the floor, and my son said he replied 你自己執啦. You know I'm so happy that he could 嗌交, because if he's too easy going, he'd be bullied.

How's your son's speech?  My son's speech is really limited.  He just talk in simple sentences.  I don't know whether it's because of his motivation to talk to me or his ability.  I find that he's more willing to talk to children or peers, but of course his speech is still limited, but I find he try harder to express himself with peers.

原帖由 worrymama 於 10-2-1 23:34 發表

My son is able to make friends in school as they are in the same peer, but they seldom have telephone conversation after school or go out together on weekends, my son just stays at home and watc ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-3 14:14 |顯示全部帖子

What I think is similar to you.  That's why I still place him in mainstream as far as possible.  Still want to have more stimulation and more demands for him.

But in secondary school, it's rather different from primary school.  The children have to be very independent, teachers won't do much daily caring.  The curriculum is more demanding,
範圍多, 教得快, 科目多. and the support from school is minimal as 融合 or other things are not established in secondary.  In this half year, I have been adjusting to these.

原帖由 honeybeeMA 於 10-2-3 12:42 發表
我的女兒也是今年升中, very much worried, she is only bordline (w/average 75), she also has problem in making friends in her class, although , in her class,most of them has problem in some way.  Up to  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-5 13:54 |顯示全部帖子
Worrymama 及 Noemie,

想問問你地, 你地小朋友讀炮循, 佢知唔知間學校係有d 唔同嘅, 你又點同佢解釋點解安排佢讀呢間學校?佢又覺得點呢?
唔好意思, 咁多嘢問? 因我都諗緊第時點處理呢d 問題.

原帖由 Noemie 於 10-2-4 09:37 發表
可能今年特別些、因為上学期、通告remarks話for Form 2 開始。不要緊、明年可以la!


Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-8 11:54 |顯示全部帖子
Worrymama 及Noemie,

Thank you very much for your sharing and suggestions.
我現階段只是作一些心理準備, 因佢現在成績當然唔好, 但又未至於極差, 佢又話好開心, 好鍾意間學校, 因佢運動都有少少成果, 游泳可代表學校出賽, 最近老師又叫佢玩聯校跑步接力, 不過我最担心的是社交, 怕難在校有朋友, 我始終覺得年青人, 應該是三三两两的, 煲吓電話粥, 去吓街, 我個仔就冇呢啲份.我又知道他其實是很渴望交朋友的.

原帖由 worrymama 於 10-2-6 00:15 發表

I explained to my son when I chose this school for him. My son understands that he is not as good as the peer group and he also notices that he is different from his peer as well. Same as Noemie ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-10 13:52 |顯示全部帖子
還有, 想問問大家, 我地呢d 細路, 到底第時可以做d mud?始終依家巳經係中學生了, 好快就讀完書.
其實我一路都諗緊展能就業, 同埋弱能技能訓練中心, 起碼呢d 方向僱主知道佢係有問題的, 但係有冇人知道borderline青少年是否入呢d 範疇, 佢地會會收?
諗得咁多, 都唔知我係咪過早担心.
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