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教育王國 討論區 香港靈糧堂幼稚園 對香港靈糧堂失望, 感覺似有精英班, 細仔要想清楚 ...
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對香港靈糧堂失望, 感覺似有精英班, 細仔要想清楚 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-17 00:05 |顯示全部帖子
No, I guess you mis-interpreted the meaning.  Over the years many parents complained that the graduates of HKLL couldn't get into famous top school such as SPCCPS/DBS/DGS or the acceptance rate is low. HKLL learned that famous top schools like to accept BIG BOYS/GIRLS as these bigger children usually have better behavour, better learning abilities. So this class is for parent with big child and aiming for top schools. This class will be more intensive compared to other classes.  The school just merely responses to the requests from the parent and provide one more choice for the high expectation parent segment.

原帖由 hauyya 於 10-9-7 09:44 發表
I agree with Chriz, feel very disappointed to HKCLL, as 精英班 is not this school style!

The Principal told the BIG BOY CLASS's Parents, this class will be taught more, as HKCLL want to have a better ...
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