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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 參加了ABC PATHWAY的家長
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參加了ABC PATHWAY的家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-14 09:30 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter also studied in this school for 2 more months. I found that their admin support is not very good. As I call them twice to want to know more about the my daughter's performance & progress of what have been taught in class, no one can answer me and I've been waiting for them for 1 week already. You know, it seems to be good in the first 1 or 2 months, but now i found that my daughter's worksheet's progress is quite slow, everytime after class, i found she's only done a little on it. That's why I want to know more about the class performance. But u never have a chance to talk to the teacher directly. You can only leave words at the reception and wait for the so-call programme leader or other people to call u back.

But their course fee is not cheap at all. I think it's just basic request for parents to know more about their kid's class performance. Their service is not very good in terms of the communication between parents to keep update on the kids' progress at class.

So, u better think about it before joining the class. u still need to pay something like $180 for the assessment test (which no report will be given to u after the test) before joining their course. I don't think it's fair to parents. If I can find some other english course 2 months before, I think i will not join this one.

If they still won't reply me (on the progress of my kid in class) by this week, I think I won't let my daughter studied there any more.

and yesterday 5:30pm I just received their sms telling me that the teacher will be on leave for a weel starting from today!! Such a short notice to parents as my kid will attend class tonight!!!  

原帖由 TONGKITYI 於 10-1-11 09:50 發表
想了解多一些從用家方面對此校的評價, 可否提供一些COMMENTS !  現在心大又心細, 想就大家幫個忙, THANK YOU !

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-14 11:30 |顯示全部帖子
Which center is your kid attending? My daughter is attending Kornhill. When I asked them if there is any report showing my daughter suitable for the course or not, they said only attending almost half of the course (she said it's about 20 lessons as the course is about 40 lesssons) (which are not the same answer as when I applied the course 2 more months ago!!) will then have the report. So far, I don't have a chance to look at the reports and don't have a chance to see/know what's and how's the class going!!  I think the course is not worth that much!!

and u're lucky to have such good service!

原帖由 miriam 於 10-1-14 10:08 發表

可能我真係好好彩, 報名時位小姐都 OK.

讀第一個月時佢通知我完成四堂後會有一份初步評估表, 睇返小朋友岩唔岩讀個 course, 如果唔岩時會同佢轉 course, 咁我係第五堂時問佢拎返黎睇, 佢即時搵比我, 老師評語係覺 ...

[ 本帖最後由 bwm 於 10-1-14 11:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-14 11:45 |顯示全部帖子
i got the same feeling... they always ask parents to wait for their phone call back!! for me, last time i paid for the assessment test and call them many times and finally got the course time ja...

佢地做野好似好神秘, 我初時報assessment test前, 佢地話應該開得到班, 但之後又要我call佢地好多次(因每等佢地都唔return call架), 先追問到開班日期. 但e家都一樣要追問先可以有機會知道小朋友上堂情形... 點解佢地做事d透明度咁低? 佢地course fee唔平wor!!!

今早, 我又再call佢地追問課程進度, 佢地又係"tall"住話會call back!!!! really feeling disappointed. 仲有今晚去上堂, 昨晚先收到sms話會用代課老師!!! 所以想同個女轉堂, 佢地又話唔知可唔可以!!! e家到差唔多lunch time 啦, 唔知要等到幾時呢?? very angry!!

原帖由 lalacat 於 10-1-14 11:02 發表

我連續兩個星期六都有上去,一次去聽簡介,一次去做assessment test, 我都覺得好返學放學時很亂。
我問返囝囝老師同佢講乜,佢話完全吾知老師講乜野,我問職員姐姐知吾知囝囝考成點,佢就話要等兩星期內會有電話通知,好 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-14 12:06 |顯示全部帖子
咁就死啦, 咁大間center, 得1個好staff!! 我都估你係tsuen wan center啦... 因為kornhill d staff 做followup 眞係好差吓... 我成日都覺得佢地收咁貴, d service咁差, 遲早d 學生實走晒jer...

原帖由 miriam 於 10-1-14 11:51 發表

My daughter is attending Tsuen Wan Center.  The staff "Mavis" is very helpful.  When I asked her any questions, she replied me ASAP.  But the "Male Staff" is not so good.  My daughter's kinder schoo ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-18 11:24 |顯示全部帖子
For me, finally i can find a senior manager of that center to talk about my daughter's progress at class. She apologized about her staff service to me.

To Miriam,
how many months does your kid join the ABC school?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-18 14:50 |顯示全部帖子
oic... my daughter also studied from Nov 2009 but for the 1st lesson. So, need to wait for about 20 lessons will then have the mid-term assessment. But i heard from the senior manager that this mid-term assessment is not for parents, but for their internal use. If they find some students which are not at the level, they will suggest them to take private 1-1 course to catch up w/the classmates. I guess just like your friend's situation.
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