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樓主: 武航

美國的小學教育 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-11-2 11:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 美國的小學教育

Edward 寫道:
I had my primary and seconday education in HK.  I then went to UK to receive my F.6 and university education.

From my experience, I feel that HK (follows UK style) and UK primary and secondary education is good.  Actually, I think the best secondary schools are in UK.  UK's top universities are also good.  However, after graduation and to post graduate education and research, I think US universities are better.  The reasons are no only on the learning method but also on the fact that US government assigned a lot of funds and resources to their universities to carry out research so as to keep US at the top in technology.

咩英文來咖   Post-grad  

咩 had eduation    咩  I then went  

咩 no only    咩  to their universities ..to...so as to....    

呢 d 係英文來咖   

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發表於 05-11-2 11:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 美國的小學教育

lochan 寫道:
I remeber when I went to Canada to study grade 13 after HKCEE after receiving one of the best local education in HK, my Math is basically no.1 for the whole school.

Unfortunately, when I got into Univ., the first year Math core course almost got me killed since the whole course is about fundamentals, prove theorems and deriving formulae from first principal. I think my fundamental learnt from HK local education system was very poor.

乜呢 d 有係英文來咖   after HKCEE 又 after receiving...呀  

got into uni.....   英文來咖    got me killed....

prove theorems and deriving ....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-2 11:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 美國的小學教育

st.bintai 寫道:
lochan 寫道:
I remeber when I went to Canada to study grade 13 after HKCEE after receiving one of the best local education in HK, my Math is basically no.1 for the whole school.

Unfortunately, when I got into Univ., the first year Math core course almost got me killed since the whole course is about fundamentals, prove theorems and deriving formulae from first principal. I think my fundamental learnt from HK local education system was very poor.

乜呢 d 有係英文來咖   after HKCEE 又 after receiving...呀  

got into uni.....   英文來咖    got me killed....

prove theorems and deriving ....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-2 12:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 美國的小學教育

WYmom 寫道:
Vernique2005 寫道:
Dear youma:

From my knowledge and information from friends, the highschool math standard in Canada is certainly not that high.  Many highschool students from HK manage to get into top U easily because they defeat many Canadian students in math/science.

However, this situation begins to change once you enter university, especially in the math oriented programs.  I had friends from the Combined Honour Program at UBC (computer science and pure math).  They said that even though you still see many Chinese in the class, the best students are from the super genius schools in Russia and Germany.  The same situation holds true in the PhD computer science program at the U of T.  These students come to math class without taking notes at all.  They manage to "THINK" and "UNDERSTAND" the math as the professor gives his/her lecture........

They also said that the biggest difference between the education in HK and those in Eastern Europe is that the best schools in Europe would give students just one question to think for a whole week, while the best schools in HK may give students 50 questions to practice every day.  As a result, students from HK do calculation very quickly, yet they may find it difficult to write proofs and theorems on their own. (Of course, it's often the reverse for the foreigners... hahah!)

I guess there are advantages and disadvantages to both programs.  It's a matter of preferences and educational beliefs.  Of course, being raised in Canada myself, I'd say that I HATE KUMON!!!! (well...many people in HK may go against me, I think.. hehe!)

This is very true.  I guess the HK way is teaching kids how to calculate Maths problem as quick as possible, but the western way is teaching them how to do a Maths problem using many different ways.  By doing this, they are exploring the beauty of Maths, encouraging creativity and understand concepts and theories very thoroughly.  By doing this, kids are developed to have much higher analytical skills and creativity in future.



問題係香港冇天然資源, 點樣比大學做研究, 大學教育點定位 ?  30 - 60 年代, 香港都係物資集散地, 唔會有人得閒發夢做研究, 大學就定位以人民及基礎科學    邊會有識得鑽研既好教授教你點諗野 中小學就咪係得個背字而唔識教思考方法囉   佢只會教你點解決(同當時經濟環境有關) 70 - 80 年代起飛, 早有錢個班 2 少爺 或太子女出去放洋, 而香港班叻仔又多左讀 u, 20- 30 年後而家佢地喳旗先可以話改革, 有無留意到而家小學開始靜靜地起革命, 喳 fit 人係咩年代既人 ?

讀左咁多書, 唔好睇野淨係識 comment     如果你唔係靠屋企比錢你出去讀書, 問下你自己, 你有冇本事係當時既香港讀到大學 ??


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-2 12:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 美國的小學教育

lochan 寫道:
Youma hi,

Maybe I am not one of those as quoted from your Math professors!

I grew up doing tons of "gaijin" math 234, 666, 456 333 etc. I also took Add. Math in F.5 but I recall I can prove theorems without actually understand why. I was trained to be fast and effiecient in exams and during that time, I see nothing wrong about it as everyone was doing the same thing!

I thought I was really good at calculus and algebra, therefore I took these two core courses in year one Univ.. Then my nightmare began... The approach is totally different! All assignments and tests are with Qs that does not have definitive answers. All Qs require you to think hard and thoroughly understand the basic concepts. I then realized my 11 years of math education in HK did not provide me enough in this regard.
I did get A on cal. section in A-math and a B in modern Math! I agree a lot of causcasions are still very poor in Math. Point is those who are not interested in math, they will take art courses and don't waste time on this anymore. Therefore, I am facing those who are supposed to be very good at math (and I am supposed to be good in HK standard) but there is a gap in terms of mindset and approach. I did manage to get an A in both courses but with so much effort made though! This was the time I start to realise the shortcomings of traditional HK education system.

有冇搞錯, 你連 math 係乜都未知就揀 math, 撞左板就話香港教育制度, 你係咪有病    係咪唔記得食葯

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-2 12:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 美國的小學教育

judy 寫道:

如果只論數學之教育,不能說美國之那一種比香港優勝。學好數學要有两方面,一方面是數學本身,這當然包括solve 实際問題,但數學之精髓,却是for fun,solve 实際問題的數學,是應用數學 。一方面是形式(這方面要操)美國中小學數學不好(這在很多國際性測試可知),就是缺之操練之故。


信報林行止介紹,一個地區之經济發展和學生數學科學之水平有很高之關係,香港學生數學科學之水平名列前矛,本是好形象,這表示香港将有一批好的R & D 力量。但香港投放於科研之開支,却比外國少得多,只佔投资之0.5%,而曰本却是3.5%。


AGREE    個哥哥切未食葯  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-3 11:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 美國的小學教育

judy 寫道:
[quote]仲有樣野要研究, 鬼佬隔出的鼻屎同我地隔出的鼻屎係咪都咁有效


唔知有冇人照做呢? 如果鬼佬(肺科專家)係美國人,會多的人試。[/quote]

咪鬼啋佢啦, 佢呢邊廂勁彈香港教育, 另一邊廂就同人講 DBSPD 面試   佢咁唔鍾意港式教育, 又唔送個仔去 international school , 走去見DBSPD做乜  
唔知係咪同校長講叫佢地跟美國個套呢 ??
佢嚴重既思想与行為不協調, 係咪俗語講既 思覺失調 呢   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-3 14:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 美國的小學教育

judy 寫道:
[quote]咪鬼啋佢啦, 佢呢邊廂勁彈香港教育, 另一邊廂就同人講 DBSPD 面試  佢咁唔鍾意港式教育, 又唔送個仔去 international school , 走去見DBSPD做乜

佢嚴重既思想与行為不協調, 係咪俗語講既 思覺失調 呢


自己的孩子是最珍貴的,我不會讓其冒險。 許多人和我一樣講一套做一套,平常心看待,唔使咁激。


你個 case 又唔係喎, 呢個係平衡与尺度佐喎 我地知道香港係一個不停競爭既社會, 我地識得適應同進取, 唔會淨係坐係到吠完又乖乖跟住主人走既門口 x, 香港地冇美國咁樣咁多人囉失業救濟金, 美國自由嘛, 大美國主義低下既教育就係搶人地盆, 人地蝦蝦霸霸唔關佢事又走去打人搞事, 扮英雄, 呢 d 咪美式教育囉   
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