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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 報考幾多間幼稚園?
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報考幾多間幼稚園? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-28 16:05 |顯示全部帖子
We applied 6 kinders:

5 Accepted (THINK-Laguna, KV, St. Cat, St. Rose, Sacred Heart)

1 kinder (St. Paul's) result not yet known

Ian, we did not purposely plan the timing for the interviews, but as you said, at least we would have a backup in THINK, as this is her existing nursery school (still need to interview for K1) and we're pretty satisfy with their teaching mode and appreciate the love and caring of the teachers and the principal.

After that, we secured places in Kln Tong schools and lastly in the phase 3, we got accepted by our dream school (SH).  It turns out just coincidently match with you strategies.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-2-27 14:06 發表
Applied for 8 in total and I separated them to 3 groups:

(1) Interview between October 2008 to December 2008
3 for preparation and rehearsal, also less competitive and quick notice so there are early ...
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