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教育王國 討論區 喇沙小學 家長發問及閒聊區
樓主: 沖廁

家長發問及閒聊區 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-9 22:48 |顯示全部帖子
過年前可以去4天旅行, 回來仲唔會錯過享受農曆年嘅氣氛tim, yeah!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-11 00:52 |顯示全部帖子
就亞仔d放假時間好辛苦, 仲要就埋daddy假期, 希望今次去得成啦!

原帖由 wingogo 於 11-1-11 00:18 發表
度得咁盡!? haha good 喎

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-28 19:02 |顯示全部帖子

明天又要黙英文(6 pages)!!!

每個禮拜同亞仔温黙書, 亞仔黙到手都痛, 其間仲要休息2次, 因真的要寫太多字了, 亞仔炸晒形, 又發晒皮4, 話唔用手寫, 只需口頭串生字就得了, 請問你們會唔會咁樣同佢温黙書架? 因我試過叫佢用口串生字, 佢就全部答對, 之後我叫佢黙, 佢竟然錯了很多大細楷, 和漏晒啲s同ed(我已經在朗讀的時候emphasize咗果啲s同ed), 我担心如果只叫佢口頭串生字, 在真正黙書時, 佢果D大細楷會有好多錯, 請問你們有好D嘅方法嗎? 可否分享吓呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-28 20:22 |顯示全部帖子
我個仔寫字好慢, 做功課都好慢, 就算佢第時變成一部打字機, 都只會係一部好慢嘅打字機!!  不過佢有時都寫得好快架, 不過就好似打大風同埋無人睇得明佢D字咁囉!!

原帖由 InitialD 於 11-2-28 19:36 發表
They will get used to ...like a typing machine now.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-3-2 02:17 |顯示全部帖子
其實亞仔多數都會攞100分嘅, 因為我同佢温默書時, 佢錯咗果D大小楷, s同ed, 我都會叫佢記緊唔好再錯。你囝囝真係好醒喎, 你只係同佢串字佢默書都OK, 但如果我只叫佢口頭串, 唔叫佢默晒咁多個page, 佢返到學校默書實會錯得好離譜的, 我諗佢攞50分都夠胆死架!

你囝囝小一時肯先將默書內容抄一次, 然後再每個生字寫幾次, 佢真係好乖同好有耐性呀! 如果我個仔肯咁聽話就好囉! 佢好憎寫字架, 平時做功課要寫十幾個中文生字佢都要三催四請先至肯寫, 何況現在是要默6頁紙, 仲要其中5頁都是full page, 簡直係攞佢條命! 其實最大問題係亞仔唔肯寫咁多字, 叫佢默書就寫到鬼畫符咁表示抗議, 真係比佢激死!

有時有些大小楷連我都搞不清楚, 更何況係佢呢! 例如:"xxxxxxxx." they xxxxx, 個they 都唔知用大楷定小楷, 本書有時用大楷, 有時又用小楷, 我都唔知在咩情況之下用大/小楷, 所以要叫佢默過一次, 然後叫佢死記囉!

同朋友講話要默4-6頁, 佢都話好誇張。我真的不想用咁多時間同佢默書, 果個幾鐘可以用嚟打吓波, 去公園玩吓都好, 但用在默書上, 似乎時間長咗D...... 希望我同亞仔快D可以適應到啦!

老師話因為敎唔切書, 所以下個禮拜唔洗默書。Yeah!!!

原帖由 joemyt 於 11-3-1 00:04 發表

記得亞仔在小一時,我要佢先將默書內容抄一次,然後再幫佢 drop 低D生字,要佢每個生字寫幾次,跟住同佢默。到了小二,當佢熟習左個默書模式,而你亦覺得可以放少少手比佢淨 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-3-5 00:16 |顯示全部帖子
First of all, I personally really think the marks are quite important for students.  The marks represent their academic result and learning attitude.  The probability of getting high mark is higher for a hard working student with serious learning attitude.  If the student hates to do the revision before Dictation Lesson, it is a bad learning attitude, and I think I cannot accept it.

Anyway, you are really a great parent, you are very concerned about your son's feeling, reading time, family time, and his learning interest, and you tried different ways to help him.  You are an understanding parent, and you showed great love to your son.  I think I need to learn more from you.  

By the way, your suggestions are terrific, and they may help my son too.  Thank you so much.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-3-7 01:14 |顯示全部帖子
For me, it is really easier to handle dictation than tests and exams, but for a person who hates to write a lot of words (like my son), revision for dictation is not a simple task for him.  Moreover, there are more than 20 dictations in a year.

However, I found that now my son can write faster than before, perhaps the dictations can help him speed up his writing speed.  Although he hates to do the revision for dictation, he can benefit from it indeed.

原帖由 LuckyHH 於 11-3-7 00:01 發表
Sometimes, I think dictation is easier to handle than those tests and exams. At least, it's easier to check if they can memorize the words. But for tests and exams, it's still hard for me to check if  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-1 00:11 |顯示全部帖子
係呀!Read aloud真係好有效架, 昨天放學後佢read aloud咗一次, 瞓覺前諗住考吓佢果啲vocabs啦, 點知佢全部生字都識串, 真係有D意外嘅收獲呀! 可惜佢平時唔係次次肯read aloud, 又要鬧又要氹才會勉強就範!

原帖由 Bambi 於 11-3-31 17:24 發表
全部同佢默一次! 太跨張喇
遲D如果咁岩果日多功課做, 佢同你都好慘
我只會同佢默CORE同生字, 如果佢錯多係S, ED, 大細階, 佢衰左下次自然會做好D
你可以在考試前既默書同佢試, 果幾次都唔計分嘛 ...
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