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教育王國 討論區 聖士提反書院附屬小學 四大天王: 東男拔, 西女拔, 南聖小, 北保羅 ...
樓主: PhdJessiema

四大天王: 東男拔, 西女拔, 南聖小, 北保羅 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-11 20:49 |顯示全部帖子
你真係信係私家醫院生女, 係studio影張相, 親自去學校取form, 就係其中必入dgjs的重要條件?

佢講既上年各KG的入讀數字, 唔知既真係以為佢好有辦法, 查得咁清楚, 其實佢d數據都係估出黎, 用來支持自己的分析正確。

原帖由 fireworks 於 10-11-11 20:16 發表
版主寫的有部份我不太認同.  但 "DGS 攻略" 就非常同意. 並非笑死人.  全無關係入到主要是交代教統局 (因入讀者雖交他們過目.) 表示他們公平公正.  又或者入選者極為優秀.

如果真的想入 DGS 不妨看看內文.

題外話, ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-12 15:31 |顯示全部帖子
You knew the change of interview procedure did not make you unique.  In deed, there were so many people involved the new procedure who might knew the details weeks ago, eg., PTA helpers, teachers and student helpers.  Your information might come from anyone of them.

The school was not suprised at how you could predict the new interview arrangement but really disappointed with the source of information leak.

You intent to build up yourself as a professional of famous school in this forum.  In fact, you provided false admission data in the DGJS topic to make your analysis more reliable and tried to prove you are always right.  As we know, extremely arrogant reveals the self-inferiority hidden behind.

I am afarid that you may have multiple personality symtom. Have you talked to yourself in front of the mirror at midnight and woke up as another person in the next morning?

You told parents how to get a place in famous school. Later, you blame those schools could not provide happy school life for the children. If the life in famous school is so bad and you are really a love and care person, what are the reasons behind to help those parents pushing their children into the abyss?
When you found not many people care about your previous topics, you started another controversial topic again. You just like a kid who seeks for the attention from parents.

You may also have the illusion of persecution. You always think that someone is trying to eliminate your topics or some people try to stop you from disclosing valuable information because of the commerical interest.  You may familiar with the tutorial centre and know few old girls whose daughters were admitted to DGJS.  However, there are still many successful applicants out there who did not have a old girl mother, who did not born in priviate hospital, who did not live in luxury apartment, who did not use the original application form, who did not take the photo in studio and who did not make any donation to the school.

原帖由 PhdJessiema 於 10-11-11 21:16 發表
Thanks for your appreciation. See. Parents here need to analyse my posts. They are smart.

Why my posts need to do analysis?

It's just because all those ideas are brand-new and very useful.

Don't b ...

[ 本帖最後由 k.kung 於 10-11-12 16:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-13 14:24 |顯示全部帖子
Most interview format are based on my analysis after collecting sufficient information. Each time come out just as what I said. Thus, people here always question why I got the information and leak here. This is not true. Why can't U assume there is such a talented person in world that can forecast a school interview procedure!

Your reply made me think about the behavior of a fortune teller. She predicted many things. When there is one thing happened that slightly match with her prediction. She claims that she is the best fortune teller in the world even the rest of her predictions are totally inaccurate or cannot be proved.

All those information is correct. Someone has counter proved that for me. Extremely arrogant is not a wrong character. I particularly hate those trying their hard in hidding their real bad characters or even they just don't know. I don't mean U.

Let us take CCKG as an example. You said the last year success case was 11. In fact, success case is more than 20.  Your data is not even close. How can you say your data is 100% correct? You may have a unreliable source or you just estimated the number by yourself. According to previous posts, you predicted the last year admission rate of CCKG is 25%.
Total girls in CCKG is 42.
42 x 25% = 10.5

The above result matches with your false CCKG admission data but this is not a coincident. You tried to cover your wrong prediction by creating false data to the public or you tried to lower the desire of the parents who want to apply CCKG.

Yes, I have multiple personality. However, it's not a symtom. Each person here must have several masks and personality , changing according to situations. Nothing odd and nothing shame.
If someone can wake up to become another person, that's the real genius, because he/she can forget those pain and walk again to a bright future. Thanks for your appreciation!

Yes, I appreciate that you have positive atitute to face your situation. There is nothing wrong that someone is suffered from mutiple personality symtom and denial is normally we can see from those patients.  Patients may have a bright future if they started the treatment earlier.

Parents just ignore of what I said. They need something and some material information so that they knew how to achieve what they hope their children could be. I 'm just on one hand give medicine, and on the other hand ask them to quit. Doctors also did that everyday. Why did you think it's inappropriate?

Pls dont compare yourself with those misconduct doctors. You are not that worse.

Keeping a kid's heart could make us have a happy life. What's wrong?
I never said there is something wrong, did I?

This is true, no matter what and how you said
At least,
up to this moment, none of your posts are banned from the date I read your posts.  You just received a warning from the administrator.
Your rude replies might be one of the reasons causing your posts to be banned.

They are just lucky; We can't believe so naive and simple ways of getting into a prestiguous school!

The word "Lucky" should not be used to cover your bias. Why don't you admit that your analysis is not 100% correct and narrow?  There are many smart girls who can outperform those applicants with presitge background.

There are always something that out of your prediction. You are just a normal person.
As you said, "Nothing odd and nothing shame."

[ 本帖最後由 k.kung 於 10-11-13 14:26 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-16 02:49 |顯示全部帖子
Students learning there have nothing to do except hill and water and beautiful scene. Thus, they become very good and have nurtured a very distinguished character - a noble character.

That is why the HK Government put the maximum sercurity prison in Stanley.  All dangerous criminals who live there will be changed to have the noble character    because they have nothing to do except hill and water and beautiful scene, even lots of them are evil minds.

On the contrary, those students learning in-town, e.g. DB/DG have been easily distracted by the updated phenomenon, e.g. i-pad, i-phone, internet or else. This is what we need to concern about nowadays' students.

When did SSCPS become another prison in Stanley? Your noble students may be restricted to bring i-pad and i-phone to school but they can still play with those devices freely and happily after school.

You intented to use the word "in-town" to distinguish the SSCPS from other schools by geograhic position. However, it only takes less than half hour from SSCPS to Wanchai or Causewaybay. Besides, electronics chain stores are everywhere. People can also buy those stuffs from online shops that provide door delivery.  Nowadays, everyone can get what he/she wants easily and quickly. Geograhic position is not an excuse to keep your noble student out of those distractions anymore. Your comments are irresponsible and unfair.

[ 本帖最後由 k.kung 於 10-11-16 03:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-16 03:58 |顯示全部帖子
Your situation is getting worse.  Please trust me that you could not trace every SPCCPS/SSCPS students and knew their personal lifes.

The illusion of "never seen a SPCCPS/SSCPS students doing that." is definely a dangerous symptom.

原帖由 PhdJessiema 於 10-11-16 00:13 發表
Frankly speaking, we always saw those in-town students wandering on the street, ..

We have never seen a SPCCPS/SSCPS students doing that.
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