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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 會吾會因為資優而轉校?
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會吾會因為資優而轉校? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-23 02:05 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 MGO 於 21-9-2010 22:22 發表
其實你要睇番個小朋友係邊方面資優, 同埋點解你會想轉校? 我個仔都係資優在數學178及語言165最高分, 但我麵無幫佢轉校.
因為IQ到, 人格發展未必同步, 所以如果想幫佢轉校跳班, 真係未必需要. ...

My son also checked by a Psychologist, and confimed is a gifted, he transferred to a better school this year but no jump, I hope the new school will more accept and understand the gifted child.
May I as a question about 數學 & 語言 IQ score? the IQ test should only have Performance IQ and Verbal IQ by "Wai". May I know what kind of IQ test you did?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-25 19:54 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 hochingps 於 24-9-2010 11:27 發表
你介吾介意 pm 我, 你個囝轉左去邊間學校?

My computer setting has something error, can't pm by me directly but reply. So you can pm me if needed then I reply, thanks.

Anyway, I don't mind to answer you about your question here, some of schools accept him as a transferred P2 student this year e.g. SFA. They mainly are emphasize on Gifted child, we finally choose Ying Wa Primary.
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