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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 文理泳會 - 有無mami參加過?好吾好?
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文理泳會 - 有無mami參加過?好吾好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-7-30 22:15 |顯示全部帖子
My friend and I have a very bad expericience at Mami.  My two sons have learnt one year.  My elder son start to learn when he is 5 years old.  My younger son is start at 2.5 years old.  The course is guarentee he can swim 5m.  However, they alway change the teacher and the progress is very slow.  Most of our classmates cannot swim 5 m after the 20 classes.  They can let you just continuous without any leave.  You need to pay the entrance for the pool and continuous to learn until the children can swim so call 5 m.  Finally, they can just swim a short distance.  Mami said they can complete.  I accepted because I don't think they can learn from the class.  This summer they follow the private teacher 1:2 to learn again.

Mami is waste my time and money.  I suggest you to waste HK$100 rather than waive $2xxx and time.  From my expericience, the learning course to our children, if not O.K. is waste your children's time is the main point.
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