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教育王國 討論區 幼教雜談 廣東話PLAYGROUP
查看: 2014|回覆: 0

廣東話PLAYGROUP [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-9-11 14:31 |顯示全部帖子
Just to share my opinion.  Kids from 0-6 yrs old, their learning ability is very strong.  It does not matter if teached by Egn or Cantonese.  So, if your daughter is not happy, it may coz the teacher is not very experienced.  My friend's son is used to attend Cantonese playgroup and comparing to other kids attend English playgroup, her son Eng is not good.  My friend is regreted why didnt attend Eng playgroup at first.  I think playgroup is a very good chance for kids to learn more Eng.  My son first attend the Eng playgroup, he was a bit nervous (ehhehe, me too) and not really understand.  However, after few lessons, it is not a problem.  Also, part of the reason is the teacher is very good and experience.  

So, I think language is not a matter, teacher is more important.
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