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再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-4-11 16:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Dear 旻旻&思思

Hello, I am going to sent my boy to IS (he is now, doing K1 )

My wife was quite against IS system and I spend many months to convince her to try IS. And now she still has some hesitation with this discussion. With the reason of  “Importance of Chinese”. My friends around me also give us a lot of advices, most of them are not very positive! But that didn’t change my mind towards IS approach! Of course no one can guarantee my decision is correct or not! And it will take a long time to see the result or not even able to prove it! That’s why I need the full support from my wife! And I’ll keep on convince her. Ha Ha!

I guess you have to compare the Local system and IS system! Both approaches have their proc and cons. It has been discussed in BK for many many times. You can found out a lot of info.

If your husband has friends who have their children studying IS, try to arrange an informal gathering and slowly introduce this topic, In my experience it will help a lot! Especially not from your mouth but from someone experienced both local and IS system.

Wish you luck! And be patient!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-11 19:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

traveller 寫道:

絕對同意你太太的講法 : "中文是非常重要". 各位看看美加英澳俄, 紛紛在她們的大學加入中文課程. 有些國家更在中小學已加入中文課程了. 可想而知中文的國際地位及重要性正在不斷提升. 不過"中文"是指講 (普通話) 非 (廣東話), 寫(簡體字) 非 (繁體字). 遺憾是香港政府沒遠見又冇決心在中小學全面推行 (普通話) 及 (簡體字). 所以真係見唔到本地學校 d "中文" 強在那裡!
倒不如好像我朋友般讓小朋友在國際學校學好d英文後回祖國讀大學 (現在她已在北京大學就讀了). 我相信她現在 d 英文應該唔會差過 hku  d 學生, 大學畢業後相信佢 d "中文" 都唔會差過 cu d 畢業生. 這樣不是還好嗎?

Ha Ha another possibilities, why not?? Friend of mine suggested me to join the summer camp in China too.

But choosing IS is more than the language (of course it is very very important), but it is the whole person development, the enjoyment of schooling and the attitude towards learning. NOT a copy machine or exam expert.

Really hope my boy can get accepted….Pray hard….


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-11 20:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Cara2006 寫道:
在 bk,大家討論下國際學校同 local school 無問題,
但係同朋友親戚傾,遇著 d 特別鍾意同人 argue 的人,

我都好怕 D 朋友成日要同我討論學校問題,
最怕有 D 人,好似係都要話你個選擇係錯晒,
但係我發覺,有 D 人根本唔係想理性討論,

It happened to me too! I usually said “Oh Yeah! You are probably right!! “ Then change subject….Why brother   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-12 14:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

patsueho 寫道:
It seems that everybody wish their kids to master both English & Chinese (Mandarin).  May be SIS is one of the options.

Yes, SIS is very hot. and seems student also learn French! That is great! (I am not sure is it true! Just learn from the web only)

To: fleet
My wife agreed that we will apply this year! However if no IS accept my boy ( he is a small boy, born on OCT.) Then.....
Go back to local kinder and retake K2. (Ah...Nightmare begin)

So.....again.. Pray hard! And trusted Heavenly Father will provide the best for him! (He is the provider, not me!)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-18 09:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

旻旻&思思 寫道:

Feel sorry for your situation.

What kind of school your husband preferred?

Which is the best / second best in his mind?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-18 20:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Dear 旻旻&思思

如果孩子較專心,其實Local school 都有好處! 有很多社會的精英,都是從Local School 出來的。我都希望你既小朋友讀得開開心心!

If I were you, I’ll ask your husband to look after your child’s homework, test, exam! And make sure you got a place in the 精英班! May be you can ask him to do it right now!

Of course, ideal school seems important but a happy family is more essential! Wish you and your hubby can come up a mutually agreed solution!
May be one day you can go back to IS! Who knows!

Good Luck and don’t worry

旻旻&思思 寫道:
如果我可以有個同樣認同IS既老公,咁就好啦,可惜唔係,佢覺得緊係要讀唔駛錢既學校,佢話明明唔駛錢都唔讀,走去比幾千蚊一個月讀IS或私校,我一路都有同佢講過IS同LOCAL SCHOOL既分別,亦同佢去一間IS既OPEN DAY睇過、、、、佢竟然係個HALL到人地介紹緊學校時訓左覺,到人地同我地去參觀D設施時,佢話好悶要走先 最後我自己睇完間學校,佢地亦接受左我既入學申請


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-26 15:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

When we talk about how to spend money, everyone have his own value, Once there is a daddy told me he like IS. But they can not effort the expensive school fee, despite that, he is a policemen and driving an expensive car.

I wonder how much he spend on his beautiful car each month, like Insurance, Government License, Car park, Petrol, Maintenance, Tunnel, (traffic/ speeding ticket) etc…

If you add them up and plus the education allowance around 3k each month. That is the school fee of some IS.

May be he think it is more worth to own a car than pay the school fee. Of course, he got 100% freedom to decide what is good!

To me, Education is an investment; good investment will have good return. It is better to educate my boy than give him money / house etc. We, as a parent got to have a vision to anticipate the challenge of our child in 20 years later.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-27 13:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Dear Ruby1219


All I'm hoping is a decent person! My boy already showing his lazy instinct!!!

Ruby1219 寫道:
I do believe that once he's well educated, with positive and 'correct' life attitude, he would be able to earn a good living by himself. Sometimes, kids will just abuse what their parents can give them and they tend to become lazy (kind of human instinct).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-27 14:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

Dear Saturn

Yes very true!!! 10+ year, is a Big decision!!

I am not rich, and can not guarantee to have steady income all the time!!  Soooo I'm perpared to give up "less important" expenses.
And have a "simple" living.

It is not just my commitment, it matter to my whole family! ....Not Easy....


Saturn 寫道:

But sending a kid to IS is a 10+ year of commitment.  We may also need to save money for sending the kids to study in the university abroad.  

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