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教育王國 討論區 佛教金麗幼稚園 籃田-金麗幼稚園 Part 2
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籃田-金麗幼稚園 Part 2 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-5 22:41 |顯示全部帖子
hi alls 姐 妹 ,

Long time no see & go bk.

"wah" - the front page totally different. I really don't know how to press the key ops:" /> , need to take time to reply.

novemberwm - welcome you, & your  囝囝 will join K1 afternoon class. You get the information for which class.

I dont know all the teachers, but if your son take ”Ms. Lung"'s class - "kung hei" !!!
Because she is a good & nice teacher.

snwm - I'm fine , my dad is ok. Now, he can suitable in eldly house. But sometime, he shouts :cry: .
What time for your school appointment ?
My job is very busy right now, but ok la...
Everyday, I need OT.
After Sept & Oct, maybe better , because all the X'mas shipments have gone. - "add oil" , "add oil".

Ivy - and how about you - what time ?
For me, morning 8:30am.

ar.... very worry about their comment

I like (before) format. Now very trouble.

[ 本文章最後由 ElisaCheung 於 07-7-5 22:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-11 23:10 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivytang02 於 07-7-10 10:01 發表
good morning

今日希霖無返學, 原因係我sunday帶左佢去學游水, 吾知係咪對泳池水敏感(早2星期去會所又無問題wor), 尋日回家見佢塊面腫哂, 又出一達達好似比蚊咬過禁(又吾係風疹 ...


what happen for hei lam?
maybe 比蚊咬, my sons also 比蚊咬 - feets so many la....
I think , is from school. But bella said at home.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-11 23:15 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivytang02 於 07-7-10 10:01 發表
good morning

今日希霖無返學, 原因係我sunday帶左佢去學游水, 吾知係咪對泳池水敏感(早2星期去會所又無問題wor), 尋日回家見佢塊面腫哂, 又出一達達好似比蚊咬過禁(又吾係風疹 ...

what happen for hei lam?
maybe 比蚊咬, my sons also 比蚊咬.. so many - feet ...
I think in school, but bella said is at home.

hei lam can swim, my sons join "standford" swimming course in kwun tong, they start this saturday after drawing.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-11 23:18 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 snwm 於 07-7-10 13:35 發表
希琳可以表演咪重叻女. 我們只需到時直接去大會堂, 不用回校. 到時見

"wah" , all are happy.

for me...........:cry:

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-13 00:30 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivytang02 於 07-7-12 22:49 發表
今日回家希霖law左份禮物返黎比我睇,嘩 ! 個袋入面有一套全新餐具同水樽, 我大女從來都無試過law le d野返屋企架,我覺得我2個女讀d幼稚園真係好大分別, 以前大女咩都要比$$$架, 開生 ...

ivy, do you remember , we pay some expenses with the books fare. I think, it includes for all gifts , foods.....

But anyway, it ok, because they are happy to receive the gifts from school.

ok, I will let you know for the swimming course. I go there, the place is fine. Because they have an indoor swimming pool. If ok, I will let them swim at winter time.

I remember school will give you back the birthday photos.
But maybe give you at k2 la....:

[ 本文章最後由 ElisaCheung 於 07-7-13 00:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-13 00:44 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 hoganmama 於 07-7-12 21:14 發表


唉, 死啦, 亞仔畢業要離開d同學仔同老師, 我有d唔開心添, 亞仔反而無野wor, 畢業禮我實喊都得la

hoganmama & alls,

my feeling also not very well.
I miss all classmates & teachers , have a little bit 喊 feeling. My twins 反而無野wor,

Do you send something to teacher?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-14 00:41 |顯示全部帖子
hi alls,

my twins got the report la......oh! still have level 2 & level 3 .
they are very work hard, but I dont know how to get this result ,also include me....

they separted in 2 class , younger to A , & elder to B with po yee.
唔有 d擔心 they can take care by themselves.

their family photo (school) is very nice.
today, after the interview with teacher (Ms. Lung) , very miss her "team"
She said, teachers will less to call parents about their school life at k2 , & let them report us after back home.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-14 00:44 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 hoganmama 於 07-7-13 09:01 發表
下, 你咁快想喊, 未畢業wor

我會送盒餅同張thank you card lor


they are drawing a card & sent to teachers. She likes it.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-16 23:25 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivytang02 於 07-7-16 10:56 發表

snwm, 希霖都係讀a班,另一個柏希都係a班, 所以我地3個都係再同一班

25�7 你坐邊行 ?

"kung kei" "kung kei" 您地3個都係再同一班

Now, I'm worry about  how I can go for 觀 課  . 

[ 本文章最後由 ElisaCheung 於 07-7-16 23:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-19 23:13 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivytang02 於 07-7-18 14:10 發表

我呀女都成日講黃賢朗個名呀 ! 返去問下呀女咩樣先

剛剛收到學校芭蕾舞老師來電, 25�7我要7點回校準備(真吾驚吾知醒 )重有原來我長駐後台架,禁我會多d時間拍video & ...

I think, 觀課2公婆一人一個課室 la..
但係 finished, my 66 - does he know what they are doing

yes, remember take videofor  

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-24 23:19 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 katiekma 於 07-7-24 22:05 發表
明天就舉行畢業禮 lar 。我好驚會 , 我一聽見我女唱 "老師請你再抱抱我, 我還想親親你........"我的眼淚就流不停。有冇止淚劑買。


it doesn't matter la... , I believe tomorrow 會 好
touching :cry: .

this is good for kids & parents have a nice memory of the school life 幼稚園.
I also thinking, after K3, you & hogma. will less go to bk (Lamtin Kam Lai )- topic la...  
wish we have a new mami (kam lai) to join & share with us.

finally , "kung kei" - alls tomorrow 畢業 la & have a good future & work hard - cheers , cheers, cheers .

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-26 23:54 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 katiekma 於 07-7-25 18:11 發表
Elisa Cheung,
我率之都引吾到的眼淚 , 我在小學雜談開左個德田兆強 topic , 得閒過來8下,不過吾係好多回應, 遲的吾知會吾會 close 。金麗小朋友在外比賽攞左好多獎, 個畢業典禮好精 ...


thank you !

we will work hard , 繼續為學校爭光

I think, for me also 引吾到的眼淚. , at that moment , very touching.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-26 23:59 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivytang02 於 07-7-25 21:01 發表
katiekma , hoganmama &  Everybody



今日真係準 ...

唔 you are a good reporter
2位k3媽咪祝你地小朋友一路開開心心快快樂樂地上小學去:)  - me 2

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-27 23:06 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 hoganmama 於 07-7-27 15:07 發表
Hello everybody,

終於都畢業啦, 而家諗起都仲有d想喊

你地都要繼續努力, 話唔定第日德田兆強見呢


又老人痴呆症發作, 你地小朋友係升k2 or k3

hi, hoganmama & alls,

we 繼續努力, 話唔定第日德田兆強見, I also wish my twins can study in 兆強. Sorry, I dont know how to type chinese, more stupid :-| , maybe made alls of you have trouble.

I can get your feeling , I think, maybe at that time, I also cry like a "pig head"  

katiema - if I have time, I will go 兆強 topic to visit you & hoganmama. Please get more further information for our reference.

[ 本文章最後由 ElisaCheung 於 07-7-27 23:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-31 22:46 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 novemberwm 於 07-7-31 14:25 發表

hi......今多位...... 睇見你地講個畢業禮真係好令人感動, 我諗個個場面一定令不少daddy & mami 小學好似對我囝囝好遙遠, 但郤又那麼近, 好快囝囝就要加入金麗這個大家庭, 希望一切能順利啦!!!!!! 好 ...

hi , novemberwm,

long time no see . how are u?
oh, your son will join kam lai , morning or afternoon class - very good & welcome.
have a free time , come & share with us.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-3 22:31 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 novemberwm 於 07-8-1 13:14 發表

ElisaCheung...... Hi
yes , long time no see la...  fine, Thank you ,
my son will take the afternoon class, but i am afraid i can't following the lesson of school , because i am a working m ...

hi hi,
oic, if your son take afternoon class (teacher - Ms. Lung) . is good. She is a good & very nice teacher. My sons will study k2 for coming sept.
Dont worry. I also a working mami. I teach them after I back home.
But you have some idea, because kam lai so many homework.

who take care your son

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-3 22:38 |顯示全部帖子
have a question,
why "移動" before in our topic
what's the meaning

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-6 23:44 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 novemberwm 於 07-8-4 22:16 發表

Oh.. that moment i know my son will be in class C, but i don't know which teacher will be his teacher ... if Ms.Lung is good, i hope she will be ......
my mother and maid take care my  ...

hi, novemberwm ,

this year, afternoon class have 3 classes. Last year , only 2 classes.

oic, I also live in lamtin ar...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-8 23:11 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 katiekma 於 07-8-8 22:42 發表
金麗個 topic 比人移動左去全港幼稚園, 你地知吾知道呀!

hi, 吾知道 ???
why ?
is it nobody join this topic ?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-8-10 19:33 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 s991027 於 07-8-10 10:59 發表
你幫我照顧叻叻o甘我咪多d 時間上黎囉 wakaka

hi, ivy - you are right. Flora is less  go to bk, but every Sat , we see her, ar... tomorrow see her , again.

flora - you need take care po yee, but sometime need go to bk "blow water" , can relexe,

this afternoon No. 8, very trouble - 塞 車 , I took MTR, but from Sheung wan to lam tin , becuase cannot go to the TST MTR, so transit from Central ,but so many people.
finally, took 603 back home.

[ 本文章最後由 ElisaCheung 於 07-8-10 19:43 編輯 ]
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