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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 anyone share:幫小朋友由傳統學校轉行IB學校 ...
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anyone share:幫小朋友由傳統學校轉行IB學校 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-5-21 13:29 |顯示全部帖子
回復 alwaysbear 的帖子

There are mainly 3 different kinds of IB schools in Hong Kong:
1. IS's
2. PIS's
3. DSS's (dual curricula)
All IB schools in Hong Kong offer the English programme.  IS's are strong in English but weak in Chinese.  Those exceptions who are good in Chinese are mostly those who have switched from local schools.  PIS's are all fairly new and mostly emphasize bilingualism.  DSS's range from top elite schools to new schools.
There have been successful examples as well as not successful ones for students switching from local schools to IB schools.  If the student is from an elite local school, the chance of being successful should be high.  One of the unsuccessful factors may be the student's English standard which can hinder his/her learning in the English IB curriculum.
My cousin's two children switched from elite local schools to a bilingual IB school starting from this academic year and they need to work hard to cope with the large amount of written assignments/presentations in English.
Lastly, it is not easy to get into any of the above IB schools nowadays.
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