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教育王國 討論區 協恩中學附屬小學 有無参加同關愛小組開的十人小組、個別面談? ...
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有無参加同關愛小組開的十人小組、個別面談? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-16 01:01 |顯示全部帖子
One parent told me that, in the section she joined, Mr. Choi said that there was room to fine tune the plan after gathering all our views and ideas.  Has anyone heard the same in other sections?  I mean, if there is really room to fine tune the plan, it might be good to keep communicating with the school.  Just I am not sure if it was a way the school tried to comfort the parents, shut them up for now until the application's approved.

I myself was told in the section I joined, that EDB was very much for the change.  I am not sure if it was true or just another way the school used to tell parents that complain was useless so better stop that.  

I questioned them why they spent so much time to do all those small group/individual discussions but not a meeting for all parents.  They just could not give me a reasonable answer.

It was ridiculous that all the representatives who tried to persuade us in our section were the not affected ones - an old girl, that Mr. Choi, whose girl had already graduated years ago and a parent from secondary school.  Not one of them had a girl who would suffer from the change and they kept told us to trust them that the change would be good, bla bla bla.  Why and how could I trust them?  Except for the parent, other 2 were not related to the school at all!  Even the parent would still pay $300 while selling us to pay $3500. It was nonsense.

One more thing was, it was suppose to be a group meeting/discussion for us to say our ideas.  However, those 3 spent a long time to sell the plan and all the details so we were only allowed littile time to speak.  

I found it a long night but I had my part done - told the school my view on the case.  Strongly advise other parents to join or the school could tell EDB that only few parents were not happy with the plan.
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