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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 駛唔駛咁呀, 老師!?
樓主: cocopig

駛唔駛咁呀, 老師!? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-4-12 11:26 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# cocopig 的文章

My view point is : No problem la.  Let the school train him to be responsible and be tough.  It's absolutely good for him in long term when he has to encounter difficulties in the society.

By the way, you should never complain the school in front of your son otherwise he will think that he's always right and the school is wrong and will be supported whatever he's done.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-12 11:54 |顯示全部帖子
If this marking scheme is carried in the whole school to everyone, I dont think it's  a problem.  Every student will be more aware of their responsiblities and will try to do better to reach a higher standard.  I will treat it as a training to the "quality" of the students.

My daughter is studying in a school with similar systems.  She's very well trained by the school in this way (only tough in her homework or projects, not the same to people as the school will provide moral teaching at the same time, so I don't agree that they will become mean persons under such school system).

I disagree that it's a 極刑.  If parents or students cannot afford it, they should change to some other "free style" schools.

原帖由 wingsma 於 10-4-9 21:15 發表


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-12 23:57 |顯示全部帖子
其實不同類型的學校有不同的教育方針, 有些較為傳統,有些可以十分寬鬆, 如果家長把小朋友送進某一間學校, 應該信任和配合學校,就由學校教育他們吧.

不是說隨便不喜歡便叫人轉校,我的意思是說若家長不能認同或忍受一些嚴謹的學校, 那應該選一些很自由風的學校. 可能入到去才知道咁嚴的,咁亦真係可以考慮轉.不過我真的並不認同此topic所提及的學校是在用重典.我從我小朋友身上看見她從學校中的得著,是正面的,並不是如某些網友所言的可怕.我的小朋友一向是大小姐一名,做事有頭冇尾,得過且過,但學校的一套方法令她改變,至少對功課認真,對自己有交待.



原帖由 eviepa 於 10-4-12 22:31 發表

我不希望學校如實反映現實社會。我希望學校對學生多愛心、多耐性、多教導、多稱讚、多鼓勵,少some demanding, some unreasonable、少責備、少處罰。


學校生涯是要學生認識到人間 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-13 10:29 |顯示全部帖子
Hi eviepa,

I just want to emphasis that, yes, my kid's school is quite tough to students' behavior and homework, but at the same time, the school itself and the teachers are full of love and concerns to children.  My kid loves her school and she is being taught to be responsible to what she's doing.  Of course she must obey the school rules but at the same time, she will be praised and get small prizes if she can complete her work.  Moral teaching is emphasised too.

A child can be tough to herself but nice to other people.  Parents can request their kids to do things in a perfect way but at the same they show their forgiveness to kids' faults.  

Yes, I remembered the primary school that you chose for your daughter. It's a "free style" school.  Maybe you have not experienced what I experienced.  

Also I am not afraid that the school will deduct marks in my girl's school report, though I will feel painful in my heart.  If she's wrong, then marks should be deducted under the school rules.  Everyone is treated fairly there. She has to learn from faults and find her ways to improve herself.  This is what education is (I emphasis it's my point of view only).  Just let the school work it out!

原帖由 eviepa 於 10-4-13 01:00 發表


1. 我從來未聞說過任何一間小學,數学幾十題練習, 做漏一題, 要當欠交。而且欠交纪碌會寫在成x表上,會影響中學選校。這種懲罰如果不是重典我就無話可說了。

2. 學校或是家長要求小朋友事事都這樣嚴格,缺乏包容, ...
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