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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 分享下二歲bb 識啲乜?
樓主: 熹熹媽

分享下二歲bb 識啲乜? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-4-24 15:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享下二歲bb 識

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發表於 06-4-24 22:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享下二歲bb 識

oh, and i too think my child is smart, maybe not gifted, but after reading the last 5 pgs i would think my child is average...!!! :)

he knows 1-10 long time ago, but actually can count things now (when u guys say he can say 1-whatever number, but can they actually count how many there r, i think there's a difference!). he almost knows 11-20 but sometimes miss fifteen. he knows lots of english vocabulary, haven't test him but he just says vocabs of insects, transportation, clothing, food, toys, household items, electronics, abc's (upper and lower case), nature stuff, colors, shapes..... etc, and lots of characters from books and vcds (i didn't let him watch any tv before 1, but let him start on vcds after 1 like maisy, sesame street, thomas, & dora. i have heard about tv affecting kids development, but somehow tv is just part of our lives, i just try to keep it as educational as possible and limit on duration). he can say 4-5 word sentences, not always grammatically correct but very understandable. potty training is going well. anyhow, i too agree with some parents commenting that other things like health, eq, behavior, problem solving, and other abilities count too. like i said i never thought my child as gifted.... i just want to try to help him to be an all around person, smart but also healthy, sociable, confident child. personally i think people smart goes along way!

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發表於 06-4-26 11:28 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享下二歲bb 識


and also, do u guys plan to let your child enter prenursery (prekindergarten) this fall??? and if so which school???  please share, thanks!

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發表於 06-6-30 16:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享下二歲bb 識

hello everyone again,

actually, i enjoy reading what other people's children can do, maybe because i don't have too many friends with kids and going online gets me in touch with others who r experiencing the same things as me as a parent, and sharing is the key.... it doesn't necessary mean that we r doing comparisons (your child can do this but my child can do this which is better than your child) or forcing our kids to do things they don't want to. actually by reading this chat room, it surprised and amused me to really realize the ability of children around the age of 2, they can do way more than i ever thought a 2 yr old can do, before i became a parent!!! i just think it is amusing...... i could care less whether others think i m a good parent or not and i definitely don't think it is measured by how much my child knows. but i m having fun playing and teaching my child and watching him develop, and i hope others r experiencing the same thing too, so share, glad to hear (read), and i m going to find out about the froggy jump high/low song because i don't know that one and my child loves jumping which i m sure he will enjoy that song....!!!!        

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發表於 06-7-3 17:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享下二歲bb 識

elysemama 寫道:
Hi, elainec,

You can find the froggy song in Mother Goose box 3.  The song is short, only have 5 (sentense).

thanks elysemama for the info, i will try to find it....  
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