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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 協恩 Interview
樓主: chachamother

協恩 Interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-8 14:08 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-8 12:01 發表
依家去梗toilet 都攞住個電話..

They will call until Mar 18, some may need to wait for 2 weeks!

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-8 20:16 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-8 15:39 發表
乜唔係3/12 2nd in ?

Asked HYS school office directly.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-14 23:46 |顯示全部帖子
Anyone got call or letter for 2nd Interview?

原帖由 est 於 11-3-14 15:08 發表
Not yet at this moment.  Still waiting.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-15 16:28 |顯示全部帖子
This kind of waiting is killing me.

I called the school office again.  They still say they are calling by small batches until Mar 18.  No more information was given even I tried to ask more.

HYS is the dream school of my daughter, she should be doing good in the 1st interview and she was first in her form in the existing primary school; she got interschool music and speech competition prizes, very active in helping the community and schools; speak very fluent english and putonghua; and she got dozens of merits and awards and got very good reference letters from her headmaster and others....and yet she did not have a chance for 2nd interview yet (I hope it is "yet").

May be HYS has a list of preferred schools and my daughter's primary school is not among them.  Her school did not have students joined HYS for the past few years.

My daughter will be very disappointed as we already turned down another DSS school offer in favor of HYS.  It is nearly driving me mad......

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-15 08:04 發表
其實係咪真的有第二批2nd in 嫁呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-15 20:52 |顯示全部帖子
She ranked #1 consecutively.   And alphabetical order should not be the reason.

My wife reminds me that during the briefing session, they already allocated students from the famous primary schools to sit at the front part of the hall.  Students like my daughter who does not belong to those APS/KTS etc are allocated to sit at the far back.  And this reinforced my guess that HYS does have preferred list of schools.   If this is the case, there will never be a fair chance to those good students studying in "other" schools".

Anyway, if it is what HYS does, I can only regret myself by overlooking this fact.  I should had discouraged my daughter at the very beginning.

May be I am thinking too much, my daughter has a much higher EQ than me and she view things positive.  Anyhow, she is a band1 student and she should grep a band1 school even in the lucky draw.

原帖由 wunma 於 11-3-15 17:24 發表

你囡囡校內名次如何呢? 我知有些同學是很遲才見的, 總覺得你囡囡是有機會見的, 不要太失望. 敢問你的性名英文字母會否很後, 所以根alpha排先後見呢? (不肯定) ...

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-17 12:56 |顯示全部帖子

We also got called for 2nd interview.  A great relief to me.  

I see DGS and SPCC are accepting students.  I should had also enrolled these 2 schools for my daughter, but we did not do so because she likes HYS more.  

Sour grapes feeling to me when I read the DGS and SPCC entries.

My daughter reads Standards everyday and she always have her point of views on things happened lately.  Now she has a chance for 2nd interview and I think (hope) she can do well.   Hope our daughters can be schoolmates in Aug (HYS starts school year at mid Aug this year).

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-17 11:51 發表
啱啱收到電話, 不過未confirm 時間......
我頭先見到個來電係2711 字頭, 開梗會都唔理, 即刻pick 個call....


Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-17 17:57 |顯示全部帖子
They call until tomorrow.  Don't worry and hope you get the call too!

原帖由 OfficeMgr 於 11-3-17 15:09 發表
It's 3pm now, didn't receive any calls yet!  So sad :(

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-17 18:06 |顯示全部帖子
It is rumoured that standards of students from HYPS dropped continuously in the past years and HYS cannot accept more students from outside (this year is 54 discretionary and 54(?) from lucky draw).  HYS wants to control more and go for DSS.

Majority of top girls in HYS are from outside, not from HYPS, including the girls who got best HKCEE results last year.

I support HYS go for DSS even if my daugher needs to pay for it (but still no need if she can enter HYS).  I heard that the school has deficits and they really want to do more.

原帖由 kinheimom 於 11-3-17 16:05 發表
我諗轉左直資後,係會由協恩自已100%決定收5收,5係再3成自行/7成派位 ~ 情況應該好似英華男校個d 咁, 自己操大權 ~ 英華好似係收番大約一半自已學生,另外個d 會勸退, 再自己收d勁人 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-18 20:22 |顯示全部帖子
Just a simple fact as an example.  HYS urged her girls to be independent.   Have you attended their Fun Fair before?  HYS is the only school I know that even at F.1 the girls have to plan and build their own store, including the construction!

Also, all those toys and items for prices have to be obtained by the girls on their own (no parent help is allowed).  They have to find their ways to get their own prices for the stores by contacting relevant companies and organizations.  I 2000% buy this way of all-round education and development, and my girl wants to try this out herself very much.  Neither DGS nor SPCC provide that.

Also, HYS girls are very closely bound together as a family, while I think relationship among DGS and SPCC classmates are more on a competition basis.   I doubted my girl to establsih very good life-long friends in these 2 schools.  I know one girl who regreted to study in DGS due to this reason.

Regarding the decline of English level, my girl will not suffer from this, she speaks fluent English, and I think she already can get an "A" if she was to take the HKCEE exam last year....

I know some HYS girls (non HYPS) and most of them are good at English.

原帖由 CactusVC 於 11-3-18 13:45 發表

Why you like HYS much, even better than DGS and SPCC?

The decline of acedemic performance, especially English level, is also my concern.  Hope the new principle can do something to help.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-20 22:40 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter studied hard herself.  We did not help her much, not even a private tutor.  But she tried to follow those english and putonghua speakings in the TV herself starting P1.

Not yet interviewed.

原帖由 CactusVC 於 11-3-19 23:39 發表

Your girl is really very smart.  Is she studying in EMI primary school?  Her excellent and fluent English is trained by school or family?

How is her interview? Hope you can success!

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-28 22:06 |顯示全部帖子
There are still interviews starting tomorrow

原帖由 hingmami 於 11-3-28 21:07 發表
好似又有得IN ......

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-28 23:09 |顯示全部帖子
2nd In

原帖由 hingmami 於 11-3-28 22:45 發表
係咪以前 SECOND  IN 果D不太理想?唔知今次見幾多人呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-28 23:11 |顯示全部帖子
I think they are planned 2nd In.  2nd In last week included the Principal, the vice-principal and a PuTongHua Teacher (3!)  Heard(Rumoured) that they may be too busy for other things.  Thus, still doing 2nd In.

原帖由 hingmami 於 11-3-28 22:45 發表
係咪以前 SECOND  IN 果D不太理想?唔知今次見幾多人呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-29 07:33 |顯示全部帖子
If your girl does good during the interview, while HYS strictly follows the guidelines, you will feel that she has been accepted.

原帖由 CactusVC 於 11-3-28 23:20 發表
Yes, they are very serious and use at least 30-45 minutes to understand the girls and their families.

Yet, do anyone know how many vacancies will be available and is there any hint from the school on ...

[ 本帖最後由 papa66 於 11-3-29 23:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-29 23:44 |顯示全部帖子
I cannot say how I get that but if you ask the right question at the end of the interview, you should be able to get the (100% confirmed) information you want!

原帖由 papa66 於 11-3-29 07:33 發表
If your girl does good during the interview, while HYS strictly follows the guidelines, you will feel that she has been accepted.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-30 23:32 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks.  Dream school!

原帖由 wunma 於 11-3-30 14:48 發表

Congratulations papa66!

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-30 23:39 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry I cannot say as I do not want to raise unnecessary concerns to HYS.

Also want to stress that HYS never violate the guidelines.  

But we did ask fairly direct to the interviewers.

原帖由 est 於 11-3-30 07:59 發表
What questions did you ask at the end of the interview?

[ 本帖最後由 papa66 於 11-3-30 23:42 編輯 ]
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