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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定 ...
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再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-5-12 04:16 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

IS--- I only trust CIS , HKIS and German Swiss... they're the TRUE IS...

Reason 1.
well- connected Alumni... this will help a lot when you kids grow up.. making friends or having connections worldwide!

Well- connected academic advisors... you need them when your kids are ready for good college (aka.. univ).
this is why you want your kid to go to IS ar... Don't be mistaken by English la... or Chinese la.. ...Language is only secondary... this is what Local schools cannot give you!!!!!

Yes, they're too expensive and If I cannot afford,  my kids will go to Local school lor!
it's just that simple!

I will not have my kids go to some school with 2 or 3 "westerners or Indians" and all Chinese students there reading "Next" Magazine outside classroom.. and calling themselves IS school!

Every parents want the best for their kids... if you can't give the best, give the 2nd best lor-- local school.

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發表於 07-7-26 03:34 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Ruby1219 於 07-5-26 10:04 發表
You sound racist and discriminative to the other IS.
I think most IS parents are looking for happy learning environment for their kids rather than the 'materialistic' reason of making connectio ...

Sorry, passing here again...

I totaly understand your point...and know why you all sounded upset hearing what I said...
but as much as you don't like to hear... I'm just giving you a cold hard dose of reality...

and I've seen many many cases ... WHO You know makes a difference... especially those you know from High school and college.

you can't deney it ...this is how the world goes....

Schools are the same , the teaches the same thing.... but you want your kids to hang around with the right kinda kids.....right? it's not about $$.. it's what they'll be exposed to!

Later, when your kid is  out there with 2 masters degree and still not able to find a job when times are bad....guess who  is gonna get it 1st? the one who know someone? or the one with no connection?

Of course, it's not the main purpose of sending your kids tIS... like I said, good colleage placement is also important!
which IS gets the students into famous college?
and why?-----it's their CONNECTION too!!!

I know it doesn't sound nice, but it's the reality....sorry, other teaching my kid honestly and interigty... I won't forget the reality!

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發表於 07-7-29 02:34 |顯示全部帖子
First of all,
Thank you Cayenne! I guess no need for me to explain at this point... you've done marvelous job.

Lighten up!
" crossing the line"? " bribery"? ..wow, you remind me of those chess Chinese TV series .
IN those series
1. Most rich people are somehow " evil". They’re either crooks or facing family problems! Their next generation knows nothing but partying, their wives knows nothing but  ways to spend $!
2. the successful ones are those from " not so well-off" families, they work their way up to the top... find him/herself a great boy/girl friend...  and live happily ever after ( or course, they struggled , but managed to beat the bag guys, aka the rich)

well, please don't jump to the conclusion. Having good connection doesn’t equal to tempting to bribe later on! Or “ crossing the line” like you mentioned.
( in fact, if you really wanna go into that, I would assume it's the ones who doesn't have the connection needs to bribe ,hee hee)

If you have watched too much TV when you're younger, perhaps you've been poisoned!

I guess, other hard working, you're also very lucky.
Never say Never ! Do you have kids? If yes, oh well, I don't know.. "the road is long".
You never know.......perhaps one day you will use some connection for your kids ( or not)and you don't even realize it.

Finally, I think you're a little out of the line here.. we're here to discuss a topic and there's no need to call me " poor soul" , " Arrogant"  or " ignorant"!!!
Be a little bit more open -minded pls... we are discussing a topic here , not in a battle. Calling names when you hear things you don’t agree with… that’s one thing I ‘m not teaching my kids!

It's good that you " never" use any connection.. perhaps with this kinda attitude, you don't have too many people to connect with!

Whatever! whatever! Do whatever you like and believe in whatever you feel comfortable with as long as you’re not hurting anyone….no one’s gonna come and force you…. that’s the beauty of a free society! SO.... CHILL OUT!

[ 本文章最後由 katyfok 於 07-7-29 02:52 編輯 ]

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發表於 07-7-29 02:44 |顯示全部帖子

one las thing...

You're too funny!  I've never said this.. you said it FOR ME thou and its' NOT TRUE!!!!!!!

" ..You know why? Because someone seems to have a deviated value system as he/she thinks connection is more important than efforts...."

I was trying to point out " connection " is very important!
I would never tell my kids forget about harding hard and just party with the " right" people!!!!!
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