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教育王國 討論區 約克中英文幼稚園 York - unbelievably cheap
樓主: valverde

York - unbelievably cheap [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-6-27 21:13 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:York - unbelievably cheap

I want to ask a basic question, did u eat junk food and sugary food when you were little??? If you do, did you get any disorder you mentioned?  just wondering thats all cos i found it fascinating how parents teach their kids nowadays.  no wonder i cant focus much now...i love candies and chocolates...too yummy to resist. And one thing i love tv.  Feel sorry for kids that dont get to watch tv.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-4 11:20 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:York - unbelievably cheap

Whats wrong with wild animals? You know who our true ancestors are??? Monkeys. They are much smarter than humans.  its stupid for we humans believe that we are smarter than animals or we are better cos they live in the wild. There are many ways in spoiling kids, different people have different ways to bring up their children.  We are not here to judge how one decide to raise their child, but just dont catergorize people as monster parents as they are not as discipline as you are.  Sometimes a baby's happiness doesnt come from books. Not all knowledge comes from books.  Reading is good but other things in life is also good.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-4 14:11 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 valverde 於 13-07-04 發表
purplemummy, PROCEED should be replaced by POSSESS, you better use Chinese or study English hard, I  ...
You are absolutely hilarious i found you.  You actually hv time to google.  In my opinion ape, monkeys whatever they are..they are all mammals to me.  Just want to say good luck with your kid.  I believe you made a good choice in leaving york as we are all on different levels to you.  It  will be so tough for you to hang around with us kindergarten level parents.  Keep up woth the book readings and discipline life...you might train up to hv a next cp for the civil service department.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-5 17:44 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 Ccalmch 於 13-07-05 發表
I think there's no right or wrong way in nurturing a child.  As long as you believe your method is correct than stick to it.  Just insulting other parents might not be a good thing to do.  I believe that many parents sti like York there must be a reason behind it.  We cannot expect everyone to love the school, same as any other schools.  I just think people want to read whats useful to them to judge whether the school can meet their expectation.  To valerie i believe york did not meet your expectation and anger tagged along the comments.  a lot pf parents from york would likd to protect the school and i see no harm in this either.  Just trust your own method and go with what you think is right.  Discipline or not, sugary or junk or not, to me my child happiness and health means more than anything to me.

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