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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Shall I choose SIS?
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Shall I choose SIS? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-8 12:16 |顯示全部帖子
I too was very disappointed in the way the interview at SIS was set up.  For a hefty $2000 application fee, you'd think they would at least give you a short intro and then afterwards to inform you that the mere 10 minute interview was over so you can get going.  From this experience, I felt that the school had little regard for prospective families and this could be an indication of the school culture.  Anyway, I had already decided on a school of our choice and wrote this school off.

It's always hard to decide but a mom's gut feeling's almost always right.  In my case with my kid's 1st kindergarten, the thought of "not feeling right" kept me up at night and was eating me alive, so I removed her from the school and moved her to one that was more suitable for her and boy, were we glad we did.  Now, she's in a primary IS of our choice.  

So if you come up empty even after weighing all the pros and cons, go with your gut feeling.

[ 本帖最後由 bbky 於 09-3-8 14:33 編輯 ]
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