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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 零九年九月入讀小一,沙田91網請大家交流一下選校心得 ...
樓主: WinChi

零九年九月入讀小一,沙田91網請大家交流一下選校心得 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-9-2 17:04 |顯示全部帖子

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hihi, my son also study at 沙田圍呂明才, honestly to all the KG mama they like沙田圍呂明才 .. Before, I also thought that it was such so great as my son could go into this school.  But after he went though the P.1 (now in P.2)  I found that...  the school actually has too much homework too much workload. And the kinda not very understand the need of the student in 2008 now a day!  I know most of the school now a day having about 7-8 homeworks each day.  But at 沙呂 each home work, almost need to spend over 45mins to do... (which mean  45 mins X 7 = 5.25hrs)  Hay... well...  each day.. almost needs to spend at least 4 hrs or over for homework.. The most funny thing is.... school also expect each student to finish each homework in 30 mins as it shows on its ONLINE internation website.  If my son really able to finish ON TIME as how school expected--30mins for each homework.. MY SON also need to spend 30 mins X 7 = 3.5 hrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
Dear all parents.. i do really feel so sorry to my son after i realize such things.  Because i totally saw that, my son is only having the life of HOMEWORK after school. And also need to study the dictation!  (there has sooo much words spelling for dictation!)  School also would still kept to give so much homework before tests or exam!    This is not what a 6 yrs old kids should be.  I could see that he also feel pressure.  He also want to sleep earlier.  He used to told me, his teacher asked the class students the time of usually they went to bed.  My son told me, most of the student handup for the time they went to sleep at 11pm!    Only 6 yrs old!  No time to play with Dad before sleep!  No time to do his drawing!    No time to learn anything out of school activites(except Sat or Sun)  BECAUSE..... he was TOO sleepy after finish homework at night.   I did tell the teach about the case at the end of the 1st term.  And teachers just kept to say, "the homework quantity is normal.. is OK!"  well...  what can I DO!  well.. end up... in this summer, my son go to P.2... the Principle finially said that, she agrees the homework to decute a bit the quantity and will have only 2 test a yr!.. and... finially she ABLE to use her ear to LISTEN our voice!  COME ON>>>>>>    why would the teacher told me is normal at before then?  (play me mie!) Why not improve faster?  Why not really look at what kind of student they have.. so they use what kind of teach.. and what is actually their purpose on their student?  ONLY DO HOMEWORK WELL?!!!  Feel like NO PURPOSE!  
On the other side, About SOME parents in this school.. it was very funny that... they kept to ask school to give more homework to the student.. well... I was not so sure.. but I guess, they should be so rich... full time mama.. and have tutior each day.. and their kids is kind of out standing, their kids already able to finish homework so easily.  As i see.. if is outstanding students, why not using their free time, to learn more outside activities?  This is the kind of the very funny parents you would able to see in this school.   And school would most listen to them more than me.. b/c may be my boy is not outstanding in the school... so... I feel so sorry for my son.   This is how i feel from the school in my deep heart.  Of course, as what the Principle said in the summer parents meeting.. I wish that.. the school would improve a bit.  
About SCHOOL BUS,   沙呂 doesn't have KWL side school bus.  I stay in Kwl side.. this is very disappointed!  Now... I am trying my best my son to study better this year.  My family planning to change school for him.  Of course, if my son about to deal with the school.  I will see.  Overall, this is my comment of the school.
Thankyou very much

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-3 13:48 |顯示全部帖子
thankyou very much ar.. I also wish that.. my son will able to keep on handling.  Monday was the 1st day of school.  I also have the feeling that.. it is a NEW start again for me to cheer myself UP.  cheer to every parents HERE!  i believe that.. we are all good parents as we all want our kids to have good study and healthy life as well!  CHEERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!1
原帖由 km1357 於 08-9-3 09:59 發表

好彩我地一早放棄左呢間學校, 如果唔係我都會好似你咁.mouth:" />

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-3 15:49 |顯示全部帖子
Dear chrischris
沙呂's 校舍 is quite nice.  Um... I will see about  2 more months as if they really change the quantity of the homework to be more fair.  If so, I will let the parents knows about how they change on bk here.
About Chinese 認字方法,  teacher would kindly teach them the 部首 and gives student chance to freedomly to write any word with the selected 部首.  Teacher usually would repeat to do this in dictation for letting the student to get bonus marks.  The way they teach Chinese is not bad.  At least, I can see my boy learn so much words in one year.  It is such big different from the change from the beginning of P.1 and the end of P.1   
The school usually have one Chinese and one English dictation every one or 2 weeks.  It depends.  And.. they would sometimes do the dictation 2 times for the same chapter.  
Overall, the school is not totally not good.  If homework be more fair and the student really have a VERY good arrangement of everyday.  Also would be so good.  (well.. haha.. i found.. this is not so easy.  because, if my boy feel tried after school, i also would let him to take a slap.  If he suddently want to draw pictures after finish homework.. i also would let him to do.  may be i am not a full time mama..  cant' do perfect timing.)  

原帖由 chrischris 於 08-9-3 14:09 發表
你好!我本來真的很希望讀沙呂,活動教學,校舍新,但如果一年班已經七樣功課,就真係多D,咁重有默書呢!真係唔係個個小朋友都得!我想問問你,小朋友一星期默多少次書?我聽人講,沙呂進行一種認字方法,好似話效果幾好,請你比D ...
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