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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 九龍真光小學/聖羅撒/陳守仁
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九龍真光小學/聖羅撒/陳守仁 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-10 09:59 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, I would prioritise the list exactly the same:

1. 陳守仁
2. 聖羅撒
3. 九龍真光

As far as I know, TSL is a very good school which offers good academic training and all-round development to children. At first, I do have concern over the disciplines of the children. According to my observation and my friends' sharing (with TSL kids), I think some kids are just active while most of them have good manner. In fact, nowadays lots of children are active and there're are naughty kids in every school.

Interested parents may go and have a look at the kids (eg, during the kids' pick-up period). I got a better understanding after doing so. They are smart and good.   The only "weakness" of the school is a lack of a thru-train secondary school.

[ 本帖最後由 Bilobi 於 10-3-10 10:01 編輯 ]
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