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高主教 vs St. Clares [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-11-14 12:36 |顯示全部帖子
1. My girl's classmate is studying in St. Clare, and she is a polite and hard working girl.
2. However, for my case (I got the offer from Raimondi and is going to have St Clare's interview on 21st), I may still choose Raimondi at the end if my girl can luckily get the offer from St. Clare
3.  My consideration is:  she has a brother, Wan chai is nearer and it's a co edu school
4. Co edu may be is a better growing up environment since the society we are living in are boys and girls together........

These are just for my case, so may be u need to think abt yr case to choose as well, both are gd schools

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-11-14 22:26 |顯示全部帖子
I know a mom has an elder son studying P.2 in RC.  His younger son got the acceptance from RC and is going to study there next yr.   She told me that it's a high chance to get into RC if u ve brother and sister studying there............

I didn't put it into high priority before I have done all this P.1 admission thing this yr!  It's a torturing process!  I have applied 9 schools for my girl and everywhere is hard to get a seat cos' most schools are at least 10 kids competing for one seat!!!!  I think 2 yrs after will be a disaster since the birth rate is high.............

This is why I need to choose a school that need to consider the little brother as well......... I don't wanna to go through this all again.........

原帖由 YauYingMummy 於 09-11-14 19:57 發表
I share your feeling about St. Clare and I actually like my girl studying in girl school..... BUT just got a new little brother this year, he has nearly no marks and given the high born rate, shall I  ...
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