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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 2009第15屆香港-亞洲鋼琴公開比賽?
樓主: Combo

2009第15屆香港-亞洲鋼琴公開比賽? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-18 22:50 |顯示全部帖子
My girl also is in Child Class D final, I think she was just lucky to get in.   All the kids in class D were great!   If u close yr eyes and listen, they just played liked adults.  Nowadays, kids are v. gd at piano.

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-3 17:09 發表
Hi..christianmom & KAKA媽咪...


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-22 01:55 |顯示全部帖子
Hiya!  My girl was in the 9am section last time.  Do u know if our kids need to compete with the kids from Macau and China in the final?  I just hope her can do her best....... as a valuable experience.... She is fed up by the practise already........sigh......

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-21 09:19 發表

恭喜哂..到時我地囝囝同囡囡咪可以一起比賽..唔知上次初賽我地係唔係已經係一起呢? d小朋友真係彈得好好呀

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-22 13:27 |顯示全部帖子
is yr son the one who wore a suit?  My girl was the 6th or 7th one (I couldn't remember exactly).  She was wearing a white dress and with long hair.  She forgot all the p and f expression when she was doing the first pieces!!!   She passed merely with 80.5!!!!!! hehee!!!  Will u let yr son participate in the Steinway competition held by tomlee?  We ve enrolled for that and the date ll be in the beginning of Oct......... hope won't on the same day as this one...........

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-22 09:57 發表
咁我地上次真係同塲比賽過喎..您囡囡係第幾個出塲架?我記得我囝囝好似係第三定第四個出塲,男仔嚟講就係第二個..係呀,我地嗰組香港有11個入到決賽,其他來自內地同澳門有14個..所以全數有25個小朋友比賽..其實入倒決賽已經好開心 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-23 12:11 |顯示全部帖子
haha!  I remembered yr boy!  He is just so cute!  When I saw him, I was thinking that , "wa!  a tiny boy played so well!"  And u got it right!  That was my daughter, but the lady was her piano teacher (I know nothing abt piano so I don't know what is the rite position for her, haha).  We will enrol for the music festival grade 3 as well!  Actually, my girl still hasn't got any grades so far............ probably she is going to take the grade 3 exam in April... hehee, but yr son was just very cute in that suit......  and the way he walked to the piano was also very cute....

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-23 16:09 |顯示全部帖子
is yr son K.3 now ?  I m so worry abt the application of P.1 recently.  So many kids compete for one seat for the DSS and private schools....  U know it is so funny, all the moms that I knew, who have sons ll definitely apply for DBS and st paul co edu, and those who have girls will apply for DGJS and St paul co edu....   

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-23 13:42 發表
咁啱嘅..我囝囝今年都報佐音樂節grade 3呀,上年佢係跳級參加佐音樂節grade 3,但因為第一次參加,所以經驗唔夠,只係拎到成績良好獎咋,不過出塲時又係好攪笑,d人問佢係唔係入錯房,可能佢個様實在太bb  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-24 18:56 |顯示全部帖子
Wah!  I was cheated by his appearance!   He is a primary student already!  My girl is a big girl, she was born in March 04!  She started her private piano lesson since Feb 09.  Before that, she had a piano playgroup called Little Fingers Piano for 8 months.  I had another son who is a small boy (Nov'06), I m so worry abt him as well since I think the schools do not like small boys......... Your kid must be a gd boy, cos' I think it's difficult to make boys sit properly for some time and practise piano.  Boys are harder to be controlled than girls...... very energetic and low EQ, haha!  Btw, have u received the time for the competition yet?  I still haven't got it.  Oh, moreover, my girl has also got into the final of the John Thompson group A (no. 57), have u enrolled yr son for other groups apart from child group D?

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-24 13:28 發表
no..he is P2 now..he is small boy and birth on 2x Dec 02..your daughter is K.3 now ..so young..how long for her to study the piano ? Most of the parents want to apply these famous school including me  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-25 10:04 |顯示全部帖子
kids are so busy these days!  Big head is a sign of intelligence ma......... I think many kids are better than her leh, she has interests on playing piano.  My girl is having swimming lessons through 文X泳會, that is not very good....... Do u think to learn swimming, is it better to have private lessons?  Although my girl doesn't have a lot of homeworks at school, we never arrived home till 7pm mon to fri night.... She goes to pm school, then when she finished school at 430pm, we rushed to the extra activities at 5pm for two hrs everyday....... very tired...... then after dinner, she needs to ve piano practise........ Recently, she is lazy with her practise, she used to practise a song for 20 times b4 but now five times only....... so lazy....

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-25 09:38 發表
yes..almost everyone think that he is a K3 student as he has a baby face with big head ..your daughter is just 5 1/2 but she has the grade 3 piano skill....may be she has the talent for music !
We hav ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-29 21:35 |顯示全部帖子
There are 3 more days to the competition........ We ll be there at 6pm cos' we ll have the John Thompson A Final first, then after that is Child Group D!   It's nice to ve an opportunity to participate in the final already.... My girl ll wear the same dress (that dress is specific for playing piano, haha:D )!  How is yr boy doing?  Is he exciting abt the competition?

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-9-28 09:46 發表
yes ..kids and parents are so busy these days..my boy love to play piano and love all kinds of sports such as swimming,tennis, table tennis and badminton, so the time is so rush and not enough,
hehe . ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-9-30 21:06 |顯示全部帖子
yeah!  See u on Fri!  Gd luck to his tennis competition tomorrow!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-10-3 01:01 |顯示全部帖子
I saw u (are u the one with a purple stripes sweater?) but I didn't have a chance to say hello to u!   My girl wasn't feeling well today....... so unlucky!!  So great that yr boy achieved an award for his tennis!:loveliness:   I think tonite's marks are quite strict..... it's lower than the ones in the preliminary.  And the kids were doing very well....................  But I didn't expect it to be so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We haven't had dinner and my daughter was very tired........... Anyway, it's great to see many kids that are gd at piano nowadays.......:D

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-10-2 09:22 發表
hi..晞晴媽咪..恭喜哂呀..您囡囡幾多歲呀? 今日到我囝囝參加兒童組Group D,我都好緊張呀,但又要同佢講唔駛緊張喎..hehe..

hi..cmchang0927..囝囝琴日小網得到季軍,拎到個獎杯好開心呀.. 希望佢今日鋼琴比 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-10-3 22:42 |顯示全部帖子
Yeah, I thought they would give out the marks (85 or above) for all the finalists......... but it's alright cos she doesn't feel very well and still tried her best to complete the competition..... we are going to have another competition tomorrow evening (the steinway one), hope she ll be alrite by tomorrow!  It was funny that when I talked to the other parents, they also had apply around 10 DSS and private school for their kids.... So I m not the only crazy one, hehee......... Anyway, I think our kids did well, they are so small and can perform in front of so many ppl!   The two girls that performed at the beginning ( I think is the 3rd and 4th ones) did really well!  My daughter's teacher told me they ve achieved the standard of performance already!!! Wah......... it didn't suprise me as my daughter couldn't get any prizes..... she still has a lot of work to do to achieve this standard.........

原帖由 AMYBB111 於 09-10-3 14:43 發表
yes..I want to say hello to you but you are so busy to talking with other parent..no problem..we can contact by pm..the mark is quite strict and my boy's mark is lower than prelimiary a lot  ...
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