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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 免學費讀美國長春藤大學
樓主: Odin

免學費讀美國長春藤大學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-16 14:35 |顯示全部帖子
My child just entered a top 10 U in US.  His SAT score  was over 2200.  Tuition fee including boarding and expenses will be HK$400,000 per year.  He studied  in an international school since his primary 1 (grade 7).  

This year the U accepted 10 students in HK, 2 from Shenzhen and 1 from Guangzhou.  All HK students studied in International School, such as CIS, Li Po Chun United World College, KGV and Island School.  The 2 Shenzhen students also studied in International School.  The one from Guangzhou had studied 3 years high school in USA.  

All above students are self-finance.  This year only 1 student  from China got full grant.  But this student is studing the MBA course, not the undergrate.

When you asked for loan or finance assistance in your application, your application will be much less chance.  Except some polictical reasson, all financial assistance will be offered to local USA students, not for international students.

If your chilld gets a good SAT result, some U will offer grant to attract your child to register.  My child got a grand  offered by a Canadian  U.
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