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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 esf 收表日字
樓主: happybb3

esf 收表日字 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-14 15:16 |顯示全部帖子

Re: esf 收表日字

Any parents here will apply the ESF in Hk side?pls share~
成功的人放眼於機會,失敗的人放眼於障礙。 生命長短我無法控制,但內容就可以由我發揮!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-14 15:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: esf 收表日字

If your son can perform well in their interview, no problem! However, pls look at the below statement.

(copied from ESF's website)
Categories that determine interview priority

Category One :
Children who speak English as a first or alternative language but do not speak Cantonese and/or read and write Chinese characters. These children are effectively denied the opportunity to attend a local aided school.
Category Two :
Children who can access the local system because the student has an appropriate facility in Cantonese but who can meet the ESF’s entrance requirements.

Within each category priority will be given to students who:

a) Are siblings of children already attending an ESF school
b) Are attending an Educational Services Ltd Kindergarten (for Year One only)
c) Are former students returning from a period overseas
d) Have a parent who is a full-time employee of the ESF
e) Are the children of former ESF students

成功的人放眼於機會,失敗的人放眼於障礙。 生命長短我無法控制,但內容就可以由我發揮!
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