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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 大家心情平復未?
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大家心情平復未? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-27 23:51 |顯示全部帖子
Dear tiggger,
I understand yr feeling! I've got 20 marks and cannot get the 1st lucky draw. I've only have 1 dss to wait for the result of the 2nd interview. I feel confused and full of worries. I went to the kindergarten today and met so many parents to sent the letter of  'knocking door' as well. All of them look so worried. Nothing wrong with us, it's just the system of HK education to make people so stressful. I try to cheer up myself now. While I looked at my son's face while he was sleeping, he is still so lovely and healthy. That's the important things. Your daughter has a mum like you, I believe she's full of love and she is the lucky one already. Don't be sad! God always bless someone who have a good heart!
Cheer up: : :
原文章由 tiggger 於 07-11-27 21:59 硐表
我今日的心情真是沉到去谷底,之前心儀的小學因為15分入唔到都預咗,所以心情無咁大影響,但一路IN的直資和私小都唔收我個女,差不多最後希望的九龍塘小學今日收到信,我打開信封時簡直個心好緊張.點知又是又一次失望.下 ...
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